Merle! Where are you?

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"I still feel like I haven't thanked you enough." Rick says as we drive. "You don't have to thank me, I will continue to protect him until the day I die." I say and lean my arm against the window.

"I visited you in the hospital." I say quietly. "By myself." I say, even quieter this time. I had never told anyone that I went by myself, I was always with Shane or Carl.

"I remember...hopin' and prayin' that you'd wake up and I could bring you home to your boy and I could finally have peace at mind." I tell him and I see him glance at me. "But you never did." I continue and look at my hands in my lap.

"I'm here now, Janey. My boys alive and that's most likely thanks to you." He says and puts his hand on my shoulder.

After about half an hour, we find ourselves where we need to be. We hop out of the van and sprint into the alleyway.

We climb up an excruciatingly terrifying amount of ladder rings and hop across the roofs. "You cuffed him here?" I ask and Rick nods. I hear Daryl's heavy breathing as we look at the sight.

A cut off hand, empty handcuffs and a whole lotta blood. Suddenly, Daryl whips around and points his cross bow at T-dog's head. My first instinct, along with Ricks, is to point my gun at Daryl's head.

"I won't hesitate." Rick growls and Dixon lowers his compound. I put my gun back in the holster and take in the bloody scene. Daryl squeezes his eyes as if he's about to cry. "You gotta dew rag or somethin?" Daryl asks and T hands him a blue one.

Daryl wraps his big brothers hand up and stuffs it in Glenn's backpack. Causing me to turn around before gagging. Daryl follows the trail of blood that Merle left behind and I follow behind him. I feel a large hand move across my chest. I look up and see Rick's eyes looking down at me, as if he doesn't know why he stopped me. "Let me go first." He says, almost angrily.

I nod and Rick walks in front of me with his gun extended. "Toughest asshole I ever met, my brother." Daryl says as we walk by the two walkers his brother took out with only one hand.

We continue to follow the bloody trail. "Merle!" Daryl shouts. "Shut up." I hiss and he flips me off. "He seared the stump?" I ask as we find a stove. Once again, I gag.

We find a whole in the window. "Crazy...son of a...bitch." I say quietly as I approach the window. "Yeah, he is." Daryl says and we examine it. "I'm going to get him." Daryl says and Rick stops him from jumping out the window. "Get your hands off of me!" Daryl shouts angrily.

Normally, I would jump in and stop Daryl from possibly ripping ricks head off, but something inside my head tells me to sit back and watch how Rick handles it.

"They're family, I get that. I went through hell to find mine. He can't get far with that injury we can help you look a few blocks around but only if we keep a level head." Rick says. "I can do that." Daryl responds. I raise my eyebrows and nod my head, good on you Rick.

"Only if we get those guns first." T says. "Guns?" I ask. "I dropped a bag of guns off of the horse I road in here, just before they found me. Chances are, it's still out there." Rick explains and I nod slowly. "Can we take a quick break?" I ask. "Why what's wrong?" Glenn asks and I lean against the wall trying to catch my breath.

"She forgot her inhaler." Rick says and Glenn cocks a brow. "How'd you know?" He asks. "One time she was at my house, watchin' Carl, and they were running around in the front yard and she fell down. I asked what's wrong and she just muttered-" Rick starts. "God damn lungs, they're useless." I laugh slightly, catching my breath.

I don't have really bad asthma, I just run out of breath quicker than normal people. My lungs catch up as Glenn lays out an intricate plan. He places me with Daryl in the alley so we can keep watch. "Why us?" Daryl asks. "Your crossbows quieter than a gun, and I know that Janey has serious skills with a machete." Glenn says. "Oh stop you're makin' me blush." I smile and Daryl rolls his eyes at me.

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