Where did rick go?

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We sit around the table quietly. Carl eats some oatmeal, Hershel reads the bible, Beth writes in her journal and I bounce my baby in my arms.

Glenn and Maggie discuss the run they're planning on going on for ammo and formula. "I cleared out the boiler block." Rick startles me by abruptly opening the door to our cell block.

"I'm gonna go back, just wanted to check on you guys." He says and puts one hand on Carl's back and the other on mine. "Baby, Daryl and I can take out the bodies. You can rest." I say and put my hand on his arm. "No, I can't." He says and walks back to the door. "Rick!" Call, but it's too late.

He's so strange. By the night time he's so soft and loving and then by the day he's hard and zoned out. "He's okay." I say when I notice everyone staring at me as if I have an answer to his behavior. "Just a lot on his mind." I say, not sure if I'm trying to convince them or myself.

I stand from the table and take Judith to my cell, putting her down in her box. Daryl comes to the entrance. "Y'alright?" He asks, leaning against the wall. "I'm fine. It's him I'm worried about, he just hasn't been himself these days." I say and put a small blanket over Judith.

"He's got a lot to deal with. A new daughter, his son is growing apart from him, I'm pretty sure I made this room look like an actual room because I wanted him to feel normal. But he's not being normal at all." I say and slump on my bed. "Don't worry, J. He'll get though it." He says and I nod.

I lie down and fall asleep again, I've been sleeping a lot these days.

"This is ridiculous." Britney laughs. We sit on the tattoo seats waiting for our artists. "I can't believe we're doing this." I say nervously.

The man with the green Mohawk, plenty piercings and ripped t-shirt sits in the stool beside my seat. He asks if I'm ready and I nod. He puts the needle to my skin and it takes everything in me not to yelp in pain.

I sit up slowly and rub my eyes. I lift my shirt and see the small tattoo on my side. It's an image of a little girl holding another little girls hand. It's just a black silhouette of them from the back but you can see one girl is wearing a Sun hat and a braid and the other has long hair. Britney has the same one. Had the same one.

I roll over and sigh, pulling my self up and putting my hair into a short ponytail. I stand and see that Judith is still sleeping so I leave the room.

"Glenn and Maggie left?" I ask Carol and she nods. "I gotta ask you something about...having a daughter. If you don't mind." I say and fiddle my fingers.

Carol sits across from me at the metal table and nods. "Do you think it'll still be difficult? Like you know...having a daughter used to be hard because boys and what not..." I say and she smiles. "I wouldn't know, Sophia wasn't old enough to care about boys." She says. "I just want her to have as normal a life as possible." I say and stare at my hands. "Maybe she could, it's nice here. We could have a real life here." She says and looks around the dark and gloomy prison. "Believe it or not." She laughs and so do I.

This is our normal. Our beautiful and odd normal. We sit in silence until Judy starts to scream. "That's my cue." I sigh and stand up. I walk to my daughter who stops crying for a second when I hover over her. "Hi baby." I say and lift her up.

I get a bottle and feed her, rocking her in my arms. I decide to walk around with her in the halls of the prison. "N-no...please don't go!!" I hear Rick scream. I jog back to the cell block and give Judith to Carol. "Take her please!!" I cry.

Panic rises in my throat as I sprint though the halls. "Rick!" I scream. I run as fast as my feet will allow and finally find him. He is deep in the tombs. I see the fresh blood drip from his hands and he shakes sitting against the wall

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