Welcome to the world

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I scream myself awake, causing Rick to spring up from bed, hitting his head on the bunk above us. Part of me wants to laugh but the other part wanted to crumble apart in terror.

"What's wrong?!" He says and cups on of my cheeks with his hand and holding the other hand on my head.

"I had an awful dream." I pant. "You said we're all infected...so what if the baby dies and eats me from the inside out." I panic and Rick strokes my hair. "That's what you dreamt about?" He asks and I nod. "That's not going to happen baby. You're just getting nervous." He says and lies me back down.

He looks amazing with the dim moonlight illuminating his gorgeous face. "Shh, everything is going to be okay.." He whispers and lies back down beside me. "Is your head okay?" I ask quietly. "It'll be fine." He nods and we both drift back into dreamland.

When I awaken, Rick is gone and I feel cold without his masculine body pressed up against mine. I pull my heavy self up and nearly feel the need to pant from all the effort.

I pull of the week worn clothes and grab a large, white knit cardigan with massive rips, holes and loose wool, a dark green maternity tank top and a pair of large cargo pants.

"Damn." I whisper as I attempt (and fail) at putting my boots on. "Need some help?" I hear Hershel ask from the cell entrance. "Well look at you, walking on crutches and whatnot." I smile and he chuckles. "Yes, thank you." I say and he slowly makes his way to the bed.

He sits down and struggle to get one of my feet up. "There you go." He pats my leg after tying up the second boot. "Thanks again." I smile and he nods.

"I don't want to breastfeed." I tell him as I pull my leg off the bed. "Why?" He asks. "Well, I don't think I have enough nutrients. I don't think I have produced enough healthy milk for the baby." I tell him.

"You're probably right, you know it'll mean they need to go on a run, right? for formula?" He reminds me and I nod. We stand from the bed.

Slowly but surely, we walk through the cell block and out to the courtyard. "Yeah, I know they'll have to go on a run, and I know it's risky. But they'd have to do it anyway, you know if I die during birth." I say.

"Have you thought about that? Dying during childbirth?" He asks as we walk through the old basketball court. I nod and I think he can tell I don't want to talk about it. "I'm sure they won't mind the risk to help the baby out." He assures me and I nod. As we get closer to the fence, I see the prisoners talking to Rick, t-dog, Carol and Daryl. I walk faster down the hill, leaving Hershel behind.

"What's going on?" I ask as I approach the group. "Nothing." Rick growls and pulls me so that most of my body is behind his. I can see the tension in his tightened jaw. He has beads of sweat on his forehead and his greenish brown shirts sleeves are rolled and tight against his muscles. His beard has grown scruffy and his hair is long and curly.

He is in the wake of work and he has never looked better. I put my hand around his large muscle and he relaxes it under my hold. "Our deal stands." He says in a harsh tone. The prisoners make their way back to the prison and Rick lets out a long breath.

The group gets back to work and Rick turns to face me. "How're you feeling? You should be inside, its too hot out." He says and puts his hand on my cheek. "I'm okay." I say, my voice quiet. He's right,i already feel tired in the early summer heat.

"Go inside, alright?" He says and kisses my head. I nod and start to walk back to the prison with Hershel. "Hey." Carl says and Beth takes Hershel from us and into the prison.

I smile at Carl who looks so much older in the hot daylight. He's wearing a grey shirt with black, three quarter sleeves, jeans and his dad's old sheriffs hat. He's a handsome boy. He's my handsome boy.

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