Woodbury Infiltrators

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(Just a two little warnings: I couldn't remember what had happened in this part of the season so I wrote last chapter while watching the episode. This chapter will NOT be exactly the same as the show and will NOT be word for word. Enjoy!:)

"I don't even know where to begin...or how to begin." I whisper. We all look at each other and then at michone.

Rick hands me a machine gun and I can see his thoughts on his face. He is in deep think mode, trying to figure out how we will be able to do it.

I look up at the guards on the wall. I can hear my group behind me speaking in hushed voices, but I don't pay attention. I'm too focused on the large wall. "J, let's go." Daryl says and taps on my shoulder.

Because of my ignoring the conversation, I have no idea where we are going, but I soon discover that Michonne knows the way into the room she was questioned. It's strange to look at.

There's jars of food on shelves and floral curtains blocking out the artificial light from the plastic town. I'm tempted to fill my backpack with jars of Apple jam I see on the black shelf, but decide against it. I'm already desperate enough to get Glenn and Maggie back, the last thing I need is for Woodbury to think we're also weak and desperate for food.

"Any idea where else they may be?" Rick asks Michonne and I look around the room. Daryl and I look through the window. "I-I thought there was a curfew...there are still people out there." I say, astounded by the human beings walking around casually as if the world around them isn't dying. "Those are stragglers." She says and I nod.

"We gotta move, we can't just stay here." Rick says and I put my hand on his back for slight comfort. "They could be in his apartment." Michonne says. "Yeah? What if they ain't?" Daryl says. "Then we will look somewhere else." Michonne says.

"You said you could help us." Rick spits at Michonne. "Rick. She is doing what she can to help." I say. I dislike the way they're mistreating her, just because she doesn't know exactly where they are.

"Okay...she's trying." I say quietly after drawing all the attention to myself. "We should split up." Daryl suggests. I'm about to interfere when I hear the door creak open. All of our shocked, wide eyes glue to the door. Rick pulls me down and we hide behind a few of the shelves.

"I know you're in here, I saw you movin' from outside. You know you ain't 'sposed to be in here." The man says out loud. He thinks we're people from Woodbury.  

Rick springs out and shoves his glock in the mans face. "Shut up. Get on your knees." Rick spits. "Hands behind your back." He hisses. The man obliges. Daryl zip ties his hands behind his back.

"Where are our people?" Rick asks aggressively. I pull my machete from my belt and stand behind him. "I-I don't know. I swear i don't know." He says, his voice desperate and startled. He reminds me of Jim, and how he acted when he was delirious from being bitten.

"Open your mouth." Rick says and as the man does what he's told, he shoves a cloth in and Daryl hits him over the head with his crossbow. My heart sinks because i know this man is probably innocent.

My head whips around when I hear screaming and gunshots. We all ready our weapons as Rick slowly opens the door. We slowly sneak through the town and find the main building, the one Michonne led us to. One by one we go into the door.

The lights are low and dim and the walls are chipped and moldy. Crouched and ready to shoot we weave through the halls. We sneak around a corner and I hear crying.

"It's Maggie." I whisper. Rick throws a flash bang and I grab Maggie's wrist from the smoke. They look at us with shock. We run back through the hallways and out into the town.

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