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Anger flares in my stomach as I think of that sick pig getting anywhere near my kids. I sit just outside the bunker in the dark, I'm sitting on a stump with my machete on my lap. The darkness around me feels normal and at home, I'd say peaceful but right now, I don't feel peaceful. I killed three people, or at least badly injured them.

And, I don't feel bad, or  as bad as I thought I would. It felt good in a way, like, a cleansing of some sort. Maybe that's not a good thing.

I hear a crack in the woods and my head shoots up and I am out of my thoughts. I crouch behind the bunker entrance and my face is covered by shadows.

I hear a fumble followed by a "God fuckin damn it". I creep around to the other side of the entrance and as the man is trying to open the door, I grab him and pin him against the tree beside us with my machete at his throat.

"I don't wanna hurt you, I just need to get to the main road." I say quietly and sternly. "Fuck. Seriously? I just got back from there." He says and I cock my brow.

The moonlight shines on his face. He is a handsome man, he's wearing a light blue button down with a black tie and dress pants. He's dressed nice, like the others. "Bring me to the main road." I hiss and he quickly grabs my arms and throws me against the tree.

I am in shock. He, somehow, made me put my guard down. I stand there in a threatening situation but, I do not feel threatened by him, intimidated maybe but not threatened. Not the way I felt around his friends.

His dark blue eyes are staring at me, almost examining me. He has beautifully gelled, black hair. At first, I was disgusted by how much work they put onto themselves when there is so much more important things to do. But now, as I see him, I realize it is quite admirable.

He gets dressed up every morning like a normal person would, and he survived and the other ones survived up until I killed them, so they did pretty well. Maybe the dressy looks gives them the confidence the confidence needed to survive.

"Why?" He asked. "I need to get back to my family." I answer immediately. "Okay let me just get something." He says. "No." I say and punch him in the stomach. I get close to him and point my gun at his head. "Let's go." I say and he rolls his eyes. He starts to walk in front of me and I follow.

"family, eh? Lucky you." He says. "Yes. I am very lucky." I say. I feel like he's trying to make me feel guilty, but I don't. "What family members to you have left?" He asks.

I walk up beside him but keep my gun out. "My technical son, my biological, infant daughter and the father of both of them." I say and smile just at the thought of them. "I'd call him by boyfriend but that seems childish, I'd call him my husband but, he's not." I say.

"Labels don't matter much anymore." He says as we walk through the thick woods. "Neither does looking nice but that's not stopping you." I say with attitude. I look over at him and catch him chuckling. "That's a good point..." He says quietly.

"How far is it?" I ask. "About an hour walk." He says and I stop in my tracks. The thought of walking that far makes me sick and when I look down and realize I have a stab wound for the first time since it immediately happened, I nearly vomit.

I couldn't even feel my wound. "I can't walk that long..." I say. "I can take you back to the bunker and we can stay there." He offers. I know I can't do that, I murdered his friends, so I continue to walk.

Except now when I walk, there's stabbing pains in my side. "Shit." I mutter and lean against a tree as my vision blurs. "I have a wound." I mumble and he cocks a brow at me. I turn around and he sees my dress in the light for the first time.

"Who did that to you?" He asks. "One of...your..." I say but whimper and bend over in pain. "Okay, okay, let me help you." He says and grabs my arm. I immediately tense up and put my finger on my trigger but when his grip softens and he pulls me into him, I feel 1000 times less tense.

"I'mn gonnna passed out." I slur and trip over my feet. "I may have...k-killed your frien..." I mumble quietly before darkness swallows me whole.

Rick's P.O.V

When we arrive back at the prison, I know everyone is worried about janey. I love janey. And I am worried sick about her. But I don't feel an urge to go and look for her, the way I had an urge to find Sophia. I don't know why I just don't.

I take some bags back to the cell block and walk in with my head down. I throw the bags down and rub my eyes. When I look up, I see multiple unfamiliar faces and anger immediately boils in my stomach.

"Dad? Where's mom?" Carl asks me. I put my hand on his head and look at him. "I have no idea." I say, angrier than I intended to. I ignore the new people and go to my cell where Judith is asleep.

I sit in Janey's handmade bed and run my hands through my hair. "Please be alive." I whisper as tears well in my eyes. I wipe them away when Judy starts to cry. I pick her up, give her a bottle and lie in bed with her.

I know janey will come back. I can feel it in my heart, I just know she will be back.

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