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When I wake up, Judith is gone from my side and I immediately panic. I jump out of bed and run out of my cell in bare feet.

I look around worriedly until I get to the main area where I see Daryl holding my baby with a bottle. I smile and cross my arms, honestly trying not to cry.

"Isn't that refreshing." I sigh and a few heads turn to look at me. I walk over to Daryl who looks absolutely giddy holding her. "I hate to ruin this for you, but...can I have my baby back?" I ask and a few people laugh.

He hands me Judith and her bottle and I look down at her as she drinks. "Hey sweetie." I whisper and tear up again. "Hello." I whisper and kiss her forehead. Carl comes up to me and peeks up at the baby.

"One day you'll have to pass that hat down to her." I smile and tap his fathers old sheriffs hat. He smiles and puts his arms out. "Go see your big brother." I smile at the baby and hand her over.

"Anyone seen Rick?" I ask and Glenn points to the door. I nod and walk over to it, leaving my children behind. "Rick?" I call quietly when I get outside.

He's sitting on one of the bleachers. "Hi baby." I say as I climb up the steps. "How're you feelin?" He asks. "I'm okay. I feel relieved." I say and sit beside him. He puts his arm around my waist and nuzzles into my neck.

"I'm so happy for us." I whisper and watch the sun burn in I the horizon. "Me too..." Rick sounds distant. "I better go back inside, you should come in and eat something." I say and stand from his embrace. "I'll be in soon." He says quietly and I nod.

I walk back into the prison and help Carol cook up some corn. "Perfect post-birth meal!" She cheers and hands me a plate. "I'll have to keep the exercise up to get rid of this." I say and place my plate on my belly, earning a few full hearted laughs.

We sit around the table and eat dinner. Everyone takes turns holding Judith until she finally finds her way back to me. "I'm gonna turn in." Maggie says. "Me too." Daryl announces. Soon everyone except Judith and I are still at the table.

Her eyes are obviously not working yet and they are barely open. She still needs to be cleaned because there's still some residue in her hair and her nooks and crannies.

I pick her up and bring her to the bucket of room temperature water. It's full enough to reach her belly button. I put her in it and hold her head up as I gently wash her hair with a warm, soft cloth.

"I know it's all tough and confusing right now." I say quietly as she makes a whiny noise. "But I hope one day it will be easier for you to understand." I continue and pull her out of the bath.

I put on a diaper that Daryl got on the run and a cute little onesie. "I am your mother and I will protect you and your brother until the day I die. I promise, baby girl. You and him are my world. So is your daddy but, he seems to be somewhere else right now. He will come back. We always come back." I whisper and caress her cheek as I hold her in my arms.

Soon she stops moving her limbs around and her eyes stop trying to open, she is asleep.

"I love you, mom." Carl says from the door. "I love you too, baby." I whisper and walk over to him. I kneel in front of him. "She can not die." I say sternly. "I mean it. Neither can you, of course. But she is our only chance at a normal life, don't you think?" I ask him and he nods. "Yeah." He says and I nod. "You'll protect her?" I ask and he nods again.

"I'll protect you two until the day I die." He says sternly. I feel tears prick my eyes and I kiss his head. "That's my boy." I whisper. He walks back I his cell and I walk back to mine. I lie judy down beside me and I close my eyes.

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