Practice Safe Drinking

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I close my eyes and we sit quietly. "Bonzo goes to Bitburg and he stopped for a cup of tea..." I say quietly and tap my fingers against the dash. "As I watched it on T.V somehow it really bothered me." Rick quietly hums the next line of the old Ramones song.

I look over at him with a cocked brow. "I rock out sometimes." He chuckles. "What's that song?" Sophia asks. "My brain is hanging upside down by the...Ramones?" Carl answers and I put my hand back and he high fives it. "That's my boy." I laugh quietly. "Janey always blasted rock music for me when she came over." Carl says

"Shh. Don't tell!" I laugh and reach behind me to tickle him. "So that's why he had an air guitar phase." Rick shakes his head with a smile. "Guilty." I say and look out the window. "That's one thing I'll miss, the music." I say quietly.

Hours pass and I hear the horn from the R.V honk. Rick stops the car and we get out. "It's Jim, he's getting real bad." Jacqui says as we walk to the trailer. "We're almost out of gas." Glenn says.

Shane and Glenn decide to go on a run for gas. "Janey, Jim would like to speak to you." Jacqui says and I feel shocked. "You stay with Carol." I tell Carl and walk into the trailer

I sit across from Jim who looks awful. "Janey, I know you and I know you'll do the right thing." Jim suffers to speak. "I want you to leave me here." He says and my eyes widen. "Jim I-" I begin. "Every time we hit a bump my bones feel like shattering glass, this ride will kill me." He says and I realize that it's not my choice.

"Are you sure?" I ask, kneeling before him. He nods. "You take care of this group, janey. I know you will." He says and I smile weakly, tears stinging my eyes.

I walk out of the trailer and Rick walks up to me. "Guys." I say me all the attentions on me. "He wants us to leave him here." I tell them. They look shocked, scared and sad. "I don't think I can live with that." Shane says. "Doesn't matter, it's what he wants and it's not your call." I tell him.

"Is this what you think is right?" Rick asks me. "That man, is dying. This trip is killing him. I think it'd be nicer for him to die quietly, looking up at the sky rather than his bones shattering every time we hit the smallest bump." I say and Rick looks down. "Okay." He says

When Glenn and Shane get back from their run, we bring Jim up into the woods. "You're sure you want this?" I ask quietly and he nods. "The breeze is nice." He says. "Do you want this?" Rick asks, holding out a gun. "You'll need it more than me." Jim says quietly, his voice aching.

We say our goodbyes and I cry silently as we drive away from the poor man that I barely knew.

Finally, after hours on the road we arrive at the massive CDC. There are tanks and sand bags lined with dead bodies all around the dome like structure.

We get out of our cars with our bags and walk up to the massive doors. I listen to our boots stomp around me and our breaths heavy.

When we get to the door, Shane and Rick bangs their fists on the door. "open up!" Rick shouts. They try for minutes on end. When I turn around I see two walkers.

I run out and take them down. "Rick, there's no one in there. We can't be this close to the city after dark." I Shout. "The camera just moved." Rick says before we walk away. "You're seeing things." Shane persists.

"You're killing us! We have woman and children! You're killing us!" Rick shouts. "Rick!" I cry and walkers moan all around us. Daryl and Shane pull him away from the door and just then, the door creaks and a blinding light emerges from behind it.

"Go!" Rick says. We run inside and the door closes behind us. I look up and see an older looking man with a gun. "What do you want?" He asks. "A chance." Rick answers. "That's askin a lot these days." The man says.

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