Her strength

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Janey's pov

Dizziness awakes me and I vomit to my side. I look up and see the man standing in front of me. "What's your name?" He asks me. We're in the bunker. He knows about his friends. "Janey." I mutter.

I blink my eyes and sit up straight from my slouched position. "I'm Tristen." He says. "Okay." I say, almost like its a question. "I see you killed these assholes. I was planning on doing it when I got back." He says, gesturing to the bloody area where the bodies used to be, I wonder where they went.

"I thought you'd be mad at me for killing them, not for not letting you kill them. But, I'm sorry for stealing your fun." I say. "Oh don't worry dear, you didn't. I cut off their limbs and hung their bodies on trees in the woods." He says and my heart drops. "Intense." I whisper and he nods.

"I will take you to your family in our jeep. If you let me into your camp." He says and I nod. "I can do that." I say, even though I'm unsure I can do that. "Why'd you want to kill them?" I ask and he looks over at me while he fills a backpack with canned food and bottles of water.

"They're psychopaths." He mutters. "You hung their limbs from trees." I say and he looks at me. "That's something a psychopath does." I add and he nods. "I'm not a psychopath. I'm just not scared of anything." He says and shrugs.

He pulls his backpack over his shoulders and reaches for my hand. I grab his hand and stand. I lose balance and fall back on the chair he had me sitting on. "Sorry." I mutter. "Why are you apologizing?" He asks, reaching for my hand again and putting his other hand on my back and helping me stand.

"I...I don't know really know." I say and laugh slightly. He leads me out of the bunker and I step in a pool of blood. There's a long smear of thick red leading from the main room to the entrance from when Tristen dragged the bodies out.

"I'm gonna..." I whisper and slump my body against his side and he holds me up. "I'm gonna pass out." I mutter and my body falls out from under me. Before I go completely unconscious, I feel him lift me bridal style and he continues to walk.

My eyes open slowly and I'm in the front seat of a truck. I look to my side and rub my head. Out the window I see Tristen smoking a cigarette. I knock on the glass and he turns around and opens the door.

"How're you feeling?" He asks and I nod. "Better." I answer. "Good. I wrapped your wound with my sweatshirt." He says and I look down at my stomach that has a dark blue hoodie wrapped tightly around me.

"Ready to go?" He asks and I nod. "Do you know how to get there?" I ask as he heaves himself into the tall truck. "Yup." He answers. "How?" I ask. "I've been watching from the outskirts for a while now." He says casually and starts the truck.

"You're family must be worried." He says and I nod. He is right, my family is probably terrified, if not already out looking for me. "I know. I hope it doesn't cause too much stress." I say and stare at a walker in the forest for a quick second.

"I'll get you to them." He says and puts a hand on my knee. I tense up but release when I imagine the hand is Rick's. We drive on the dirty, cracked asphalt. The trees are being lit up as we pass by the headlights and we sit in silence. It is one of the most peaceful moments I have felt in a long time, I only wish I could be with my family sooner.

I'm carefully brought out of my thoughts when I hear Tristen humming a song. "Sing.." I say quietly. "What?" He laughs and moves his hand from my knee. "Just sing, any song would be perfect right now." I say, I'm not sure if I'd ever ask anyone to sing to me if the world hadn't ended, I loved my music on my iPod, but right now I need to hear sound.

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