Hello lovely reader

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I've read through comments and see this story getting love over the past few months since it is walking dead season. It is so hard to continue writing, as I'm not currently watching the show or caught up to the latest season, and I'm so far behind in this story compared to where I'm at in the show and it's sO BORING. lol. It's hard to write it because it seems I have to write word by word, scene by scene. Especially when I'm not into the show.

I might skip to when the governor bombards the prison and everyone is split up, at the beginning of season 4. I would definitely be more into it and it would be much better than it is now. Would anyone enjoy that? Lol. Just get it moving a bit

I won't continue with this idea until I have some input, until then, the story will be on hold (as if it hasn't been already lol)

Love you guys. Writings my passion and u guys are the reason it has any purpose.

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