"Responsible parents"

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(Warning: smut scenes ahead)

When I wake up, it takes me a moment to remember where I am. I blink a few times and look out the window. The sun is still very low in the sky, it must be early. I step out of the bed and look next me where Rick sleeps peacefully.

I smile down at him and pull my pants on, followed by my shirt and sweater. I step into my boots and walk down stairs.

The house is completely silent, everyone's still sleeping. I walk into the room where Carl is.

I look up and see Hershel still hovering over him. "I just got the last fragment, just stitching him up now." He says and I cover my mouth to stifle my cries of joy.

"I don't know if I'll ever be able to repay you." I squeak and kneel beside Carl's bed.

I hold Carl's hand in mine and minutes later his eyes open slowly. "Carl?" I ask. "Mom..." He croaks and I smile brightly.

"How are you feeling?" I ask him. "Tired." He groans and I pet his hair. "You should have seen the deer, it was so pretty mom." He says and I smile, tears pricking my eyes.

"Carl?" I hear Rick say from the door. "Hi dad." He says and I look at Rick. I can physically see the relief flow over him. "Thank god." He sighs and comes to sit beside me.

"Are we safe here?" Carl asks and I look at Rick. "For now." He smiles and I smile at Rick, who looks so unbelievably happy.

Hours later, everyone is up and Maggie and Beth made us breakfast. I sat with Patricia who was mourning over her husband, I feel so sad for her.

We stand around a pile of rocks and have short funeral for Otis. Hershel reads bible verses and Patricia sobs into Beth, who's eyes water. Maggie stares at her feet. I like this family, they are very close.

After the funeral, we set up our living area around some trees.

I feel awfully tired even though I haven't done much work and got a good nights sleep. Being out in the burning sun even makes me dizzy. I nearly fall over before grabbing a hanging branch from a tree.

"Janey? Are you alright?" Dale asks and I nod. "Just a little dizzy." I croak. "Come sit." He helps me to a plastic lawn chair and gives me a peach and a water bottle.

"Thank you." I smile at him and he smiles back. My mind starts to race with possibilities as to why I feel so awful.

I try to think of something bad that I ate and nothing comes to mind, I go over the events and figure I must still be worked up about Carl being shot, but just in case I decide to talk to Carol.

I walk over to her as she hangs laundry on a clothes line. "Carol, what was pregnancy like?" I ask and she cocks a brow at me. "Tough. I was always sick and tired." She tells me and I nod. "I also always craved walnuts." She laughs and I smile.

My head spins and I walk away from the camp. "Glenn! Are you going in a run?" I ask him as he walks past. "Yeah, need anything?" He asks.

I pass him a note and ask him to keep it between us. "Where do I look for this?" He asks. "Try...feminine hygiene." I say and he nods.

I find myself nervous all day long. I don't think I'm pregnant, I sure as hell hope I'm not...or do I? I always wanted a baby and sure, I have Carl but he's not really mine. He's loris and since she's dead, I'm all he has as a mother.

I don't handle pain very well, I don't know if I'd even survive child birth. I probably don't have enough nutrients in me to breast feed which means we'd have to find formula and risk more lives.

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