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The next morning, I feel sick to my stomach. I run out of my tent and vomit behind a tree. This pregnancy thing is a lot harder than I thought it'd bem

Soon after everyone gets up, Rick and Shane call a group meeting because we need to discuss what's going to happen to that kid they picked up yesterday.

When Rick walks up behind me I am urged to ask him about his words last night. I could have sworn he was about to tell me he loved me, but I don't want to ask just in case he forgot and i end up looking foolish.

We all gwt into the house and stand around. I lean against the wall with my arms crossed. "So, what do we do?" Daryl asks. "Is that even a question? He's just a boy!" Dale says surprised. "If he's at all a danger to this family - my family - I want him gone..." I say.

I earn a sad look from Dale. "Janey! what happened to we don't kill the living?" He asks wide eyed. "I wish it were that easy dale, i really do.

But if he puts Carl in the slightest amount of danger then he needs to go." I say and look at the ground.

"Maybe we don't need to kill him." Rick interjects. "Maybe we can just drive him away, give him a weeks supplies and blindfold him." He explains his thoughts. "That's just as good as killing him." I say. "Yeah, but maybe he can survive on his own, we don't know." He says. "Wityh the injury he has? I doubt it." I sigh.

"If we kill him, at least we know he died quickly witout suffering. Without being torn apart by geeks. It seems a little more humane." Shane says. "This is a man's life! None of this is humane!" Dale sounds flabbergasted. "It's not the same anymore, Dale." I say. "It should be. We are still human and we still have morals. We might not be able to come back from something like this!" He says. His old eyes are wide with shock and pain.

"We always come back." I say. "Do what you gotta do." I say and walk out of the house. "Carl?" I ask as I approach the tent. "Carl!" I worry when I don't find him. "shit." I mutter.

My first instinct is to run to the barn. He's too curious not to investigate, damned child. "Carl!" I yell as I get closer to the barn. I get in through the back and see carl sitting upon a haybale. "What the hell are you doing!" I hiss. I walk up to him and grab his arm.

"Please! Uncuff me ma'am! I'm good, I swear!" The boy pleads from behind me. I turn around and see him. He is bloody and beaten to a pulp, most likely the doings of Shane or Daryl. "Let's go." I say to carl and pull him out of the barn by his wrist.

"Janey!" Rick says and runs towards the barn. "He went in there by himself." I say and look down at carl. "What were you thinking?!" I ask and Carl looks at the ground. "Janey..." Rick warns and puts his hand on my shoulder. "What are you gonna do with him?" I ask, referring to the boy in the barn. "18 miles out." He says. I tilt my head in confusion.

"Yeah..." Shane shakes his head. "What? You don't think this is a good idea?" I ask. "I don't know." He says. "Let's get goin'" He motions to Rick.

"Yo. Come with me." I say and point to carl. "Where are we going?" He asks and has to walk fast so he can keep up with me. "I'm gonna teach you how to shoot a gun." I mumble and I see a smile on his face.

we get one of the cars and drive far off of the camp. I set up some targets for Carl to practice with. "I need you to remember that this isn't a toy, and when you pull the trigger you have to mean it. This kills people." I say as I hand him the small revolver. "I think you need this just in case one of us aren't there to protect you one day." I say and pet his head.

"Okay, feet apart, two hands on the gun. Pull the trigger when you're ready." I say and he nods. I cross my arms and watch him prepare. He breaths and squeezes the trigger. The knockpack causes his small arms to shutter slightly, but he recovers quickly.

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