Tag, you're hit!

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My eyes fly open when I hear the sound of the R.V making a loud screech. "Damn." Rick says. I look ahead and see a massive jam of cars on the highway.

We all step out and walk up. "Is there anyway out?" I ask Daryl and he shakes his head. "Okay, scavenge the cars." Shane says. "Carl, you stay with Carol, okay?" I say and ruffle his hair.

I walk around and collect some things from multiple cars. I get a canteen, a flashlight, a few kids shirts and I found a baby bottle in a bag, not sure why I'd need it but I thought I might as well grab it.

"Janey." I hear Rick say from behind me. "Yes?" I say as I open the glovebox of another car. "I wanted to uh...talk to you, about last night. I never really got a chance." He says and rubs the back of his neck.

"Okay." I say and sit on the passenger seat of a car with my feet hanging out the open door, he leans on the car across from it. "I guess...i should tell you that I didn't have sex with you, just to have sex with someone." He says, his voice quiet.

"I may have been drunk but I did it because I like you and I don't think I could have made a move sober." He chuckles and I smile. "I like you too." I say and reach for his hand.

"I'm glad we cleared that up." He says and I smile shyly. He leans forward and kisses my forehead before walking to a different section of cars.

As I pick through a suitcase I feel something grab my ankle and I yelp. I look up and see a large herd of walkers coming towards us. "Shit." I whisper and drop to the ground.

"Get under!" Glenn whisper shouts from beside me. I shuffle under the car that he and Shane currently reside under.

I watch as hundreds of shuffled feet move past us slowly. I'm so squished beside Glenn that I can barely breath. We sit for nearly five minutes before the shuffling stops.

We stay still for a while longer just to be sure, and I hear a little girls scream. "Sophia!!" I hear Carol shouts and I slide out from under the car and run to the source of the scream.

"What happened?!" I panic. "Two walkers chased her into the woods!" Carol cries and Rick runs into the woods after her. "Rick!" I call but it's too late.

Carol sons and I rush over to her, bringing her head into my neck. I allow her to cry as much as she wants as we sit on the concrete. "Mom." Carl says from behind me and once again, I cringe, his calling me mom will take some getting used to.

"Yeah baby?" I say, rubbing Carols back. "Will Sophia be back soon?" He asks with sad eyes. "I sure hope so." I say and put my hand behind his ear.

The sun begins to set and I still sit with Carl in the edge of the road. I begin to worry about Rick and stand on end as I wait.

"Will we ever be safe again?" Carl asks quietly and I look down at him. "No baby. As long as the world belongs to the dead, we will never be 100% safe. But I'll protect you and your dad will protect you as much as we possibly can." I say and kiss his forehead. "Janey." I hear Rick say from behind me.

"Oh thank god!" I nearly cry and reach out to hug the sweaty man. He hugs be and Carl. Glenn, Shane and Daryl follow behind him, I nearly forgot they went out looking too. "You didn't find her?" Carol cries. "We'll pick it up first thing tomorrow morning." Rick assures her. "You can't leave my baby out in the woods all night." Carols voice cracks and I put my hand in my heart.

"We won't make any progress tryin to find her in the dark." Shane says. I kiss carols forehead and walk back to our car with Rick and Carl.

We put the back seats down and set up some sleeping bags in the back. "This will do." I say quietly. Carl crawls into bed and Rick and I lean against the side of the car.

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