Passing time

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Hershel takes Rick into the woods for something and I am left with Carl, which I don't mind at all.

"Okay, so 3 x 2 is...6?" He asks as we go through math problems. "Yes." I say and pencils the answer into the workbook.

"End of the world and he's still doing homework, huh?" Andrea says from behind me. "Learning is important,end of the world or not." I reply without looking at her.

"You're still mad?" She asks and I see her cross her arms in the corner of my eye. "Of course I'm still mad." I say and glare at her.

"I'll be right back, baby." I say to Carl and walk to a tree with Andrea. "That girl is too young to know what she wants. She's just in a bad place, yes I'm happy she chose life over suicide but you leaving her was not a good choice." I spit.

"You haven't felt like maybe death is the answer?" She asks and raises an eyebrow. "Of course I have! All of us have! But I'm old enough to know that I need to stay alive for Carl and Rick and this baby." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"What the hell is this?!" I hear Shane shout. Andrea and I look behind the tree, where I see Rick walking through the field. He has a walker on a stick and so does Hershel.

"Dad?!" Carl shouts. I walk over to car and grab his hand. We walk toward the group who have gathered near the barn once again. "What the hell?!" I say.

"He thinks they're sick!" Shane shouts. "Could a human survive this?" He yells and let's a bullet into the walkers chest. "How about this?" He lets another shot into the walkers heart.

"No!" He shouts and a bullet flies through its skull. "I ain't havin this!" He shouts and walks towards the barn. "Shane!" Rick yells, Shane ignores him and continues towards the barn.

"Let's go!" Shane says, he rattles the barn door and smashes the lock. He steps back and my eyes widen. I put Carl behind me and hold up my gun.

Dozens of walkers behind to fall from the barn. I fire into their skulls and watch them drop one by one. My gun clicks and I put it back in the holster.

I hold Carl behind me and watch the walkers topple to the ground. They stop coming and my ears ring with gunshots. Just when I think it's over, the door creaks and I see a small walker emerge.

"Oh my god!" I gasp and cover my mouth. I look at the blue shirt with a rainbow,covered in dirt and blood. The knotty hair and the old sneakers. It's Sophia.

"Sophia!!" Carol cries and runs towards her dead daughter. Daryl grabs her arm and collapses on top of her. I hold Carl who cries into my shirt. Tears well in my eyes and I cry into his hair.

Rick stares at the walker in awe. He blinks and pulls his gun from the holster, aiming it at Sophia's head.

I squeeze my eyes tight and turn Carl away so he can't see. I hear the gunshot and Carol screams. I cry into Carl's hair and slowly turn back around.

I see Beth run towards the pile of dead bodies and look for a specific one. "Mom!" She cries and my heart breaks as she kneels beside the certain dead walker. I hear a groan.

"Beth!" I scream and the the walker raises its head and grab her hair. The men run to her, pulling her back and Andrea plows a pick axe through its head.

Hershel, looking stunned walks back to the house with the help of Maggie. "Did you know she was in there?!" Shane shouts and we follow them to the house.

"Hey, did you know she was in there?" Shane yells, his voice booming in the open space. "Hey! Answer me!" He shouts and grabs Hershel's arm. I hear a slapping noise and see that Maggie slapped Shane in the face. "Don't you touch him." She spits.

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