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Young Danielle McQuack brushed her bangs out of her eyes, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. How she wished she brought her phone rather than leaving it to charge inside the limo her cousin was waiting in.

She was inside the money bin wanting for Mr McDuck, who was having a business meeting with his advisors. Not that she's complaining, she's actually used to it, but each time it felt like it was more longer than the last. She mentally cursed herself for wasting time playing a dumb videogame on her phone last night rather than letting it charge.

Suddenly she heard a loud noise and turned her head to a door frame right next to her, only for the door to automatically opened followed by scrooge McDuck walking out with a board expression.

"Mr McDuck".

His ears picked up before he turned to see the 13 year old preteen duckling approaching him. His frown immediately getting replaced with a smile.

"Well bless-me bagpipes. Don't tell me you've been waiting for me all this time, lass".

Danielle smiled up at the elder duck. "But of course I did, Mr McDuck. I'm kinda used to it by now. And i figured you might want some company after your meeting with your frustrating advisors".

Scrooge chuckled and patted her head. "Well good thing that's over with. For now at least". He muttered that part to himself, rolling his eyes. "Come now, Danielle. We best be heading back to the mansion before dose dodos ruin another afternoon".

Danielle giggled at the name he called his vulture advisors, while nodding in the process before they two made it out of the building and got into the limo. Danielle sat in the passenger seat in front where she was greeted by her cousin, launchpad, while scrooge sat in the back where a local newspaper was waiting for him.

Launchpad started up the engine and they were off, driving into the city. The vehicle kept turning and bumping into things thanks to launchpad's "driving skills", but Danielle didn't mind. She was already used to it, esspecially with her phone grabbing her full attention. She ignored her cousin trying to make small talk with the land owner of the city while barely paying attention to the road ahead of him, until Mr McDuck looked up from his paper and scolded him about keeping his eyes on the road and it's coming out of his salary.

Launchpad immediately went back to his job but still continued his small talk, to which scrooge hit a petal that made the window shield go up, blocking out all noises from the driver, which he understood.

Danielle just rolled her eyes amusingly as the drive back to the mansion continued. Her cousin can be such a man-child. Apparently she forgot how fast her cousin could drive and ended up hitting her head when launchpad suddenly hit the breaks, saying said thing he just did. Dani groaned, rubbing her head.

"What the butt, launchpad?".

"Sorry, cuz. But we got another vehicle in the way".

She looked forward at what her cousin was pointing at to see another car in front of them in front of the gate entrance to McDuck manor. Inside the driver seat was an adult duck talking through the intercomes. Dani couldn't put her finger on it but she could've sworn he looked familiar.

Unfortunately, the window behind her rolled down before a angry scrooge began honking the horn, which Dani noticed the expression of the duck in front deepening.

"Um, Mr McDuck?".

The elderly duck just stormed out of the limo and began yelling at the adult duke. "Hey! In that jalopy from my driveway this instant ya deadbeat!". (A/N: I have no idea what he said)

"Ohh. Mr McDuck means business". Launchpad muttered, to which his cousin nodded in agreement. They both watched as scrooge began walking as the driver in the car in front got out of his car and met him half-way.

DUCKTALES: THE GOLDEN DUCK Where stories live. Discover now