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A cool evening Sunday in the city of duckburg. Normally, Dani would use such a day to just relax and have some "Me time", but she had other plans thanks to her friends. Today, Dani found herself helping webby and boys pack up some stuff into the boys old kayak.

"Compass?". Huey said, holding out his hand from inside the small boat while reading his woodchuck guild book as dani handed him the compass.

"CB radio".

Webby handed it to him.


Dani handed it to him before webby held up out lifejackets with hotdogs on them, saying. "Hot dog costumes", which earned her weird looks from the red and purple duck.

"I'm sorry, what?".

"You know, in case we get lost at sea and one of us, properly Louie, goes mad with hunger, we'll put these on! Louie hates hotdogs, so he probably won't eat us".

"So you accounted that Louie would rather eat us than hot dogs?". Dani exclaimed with a raised brow, leaning her elbow on the side of the boat.

"I do hate hot dogs". Louie said, getting into the boat.

"I think we'll be good". Huey stated, tossing out the hot dog lifejackets away, only for it to be tackled by hungry seagles.

"So what do you need me to do?". Webby asked the eldest brother.

"I think that's everything". He said, before looking at Louie who was drinking the clean water from the canteen. "Louie's got the canteens, Dewey's got the paddles . . ."

Said boy excitedly raised up the paddles while yelling, "Nautical leap! Yar!", before jumping on top of Louie and stood up laughing. "And nalied it!". No sooner did he say that was he tackled to the ground by Louie.

Dani chuckled at them before giving huey a look with a raised brow, which he understood.

"Relax, we've taken this old kayak out dozens of times, without getting a scratch on it from one of Dewey and louie's fight". He purposely added that part for Dani who snapped her index fingers at him in a way of saying good. "We got this".

"Maybe I could be in charge of the map". Webby suggested, really wanting to be apart of this.

"Oh, huey always handles the map". Dewey stated before pointing at his younger brother. "Thanks to old captain lost here".

"Hey! That's captain lost, sir, to you". Louie corrected before his brothers started chanting "captain lost", earning a laugh from the girls.

"I don't know why we're laughing". Webby said, earning a raised brow from a smiling Dani, who thought it was so obvious."Seriously?".

"Ah, it's this whole crazy story where-".

"Let me guess". Dani said, intteruping the first born with a smirk. "You all go kayaking and greenie over here gets y'all lost out at sea".

The green boy chuckled as he got up with his hands in his hoodie pockets. "Yeah. You sorta had to be there, I guess".

"But now you will be!". Dewey chimed in excitedly, earning a giggle from Dani before the boys got off and the five of them pushed the boat into the water. "Onward, to adventure!".

The five of them got into the boat and immediately regretted it as it was way to tight and cramped up, to which they all grunted.

"Pardon me".

"Come on, why aren't we to adventuring?".

"Whose foot is on my face".

A shove then resulted to webby falling out of the boat, which helped with the space little bit as the four other preteen ducks looked down at her.

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