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Dani McQuack found herself screaming as she fell down a pit someone accidently pushed her into. She did a flip before landing at the bottom in a hero pose.

"Nailed it. Any idea where we are, webs?". She asked her best friend who had fallen into the pit first while standing up from her pose.

"Looks like some sort of Venetian sacrificial chamber". Webby remarked, gesturing to her surroundings.

"Let me see if I can just--". Dani was cut off by familer screaming, making her take a step away before Dewey landed in a hero pose of his own, just not in a graceful way as his body shook before he collapse.

The girls rolled their eyes, knowing he just did that to act cool in front of them before he got up

"Sacrificial chamber Wow three-print landing. Battery division three-point landing". He said while stumbling before he was cut by the older girl in purple.


"Much. So death trap?"

"Yep/death trap". The girls said together in confirmation with deapeaned looks as Dewey stood up straight before a smirk made it's way to his beak as he looked at the two girls, Dani already knowing he had something idiotic in mind.

"Ah, we'll be out of here in no time and back on a rip-roaring adventure, just let me-". Dewey went towards the corner and tried pushing himself up with his hands and legs pressed against the walls for support. It would have been a good plan if only he didn't slip and fall down on his butt.

Rolling her eyes once again, Dani trys to use her magic, only to find out that she couldn't. She guess this place was magic proof, which made her groan in dismay. She sighs before looking around for any way out before her green eyes landed on some glfs on the wall. She walks towards it and cleaned some dust off the wall to get a better look at it.

"It says press here to exit-".

"Great!". Dewey cut her off as he rushed over and gently pushed her aside to push the picture on the wall, once again earning a deapeaned look from the older girl as she continued.

"The way and enter the great beyond".

Their eyes widened as they heard loud noises before noticing the walls closing in on them, much to their surprise as they screamed and hugged each other out of fear. They screamed for a good ten seconds before Dani stopped screaming, noticing how slow the death trap was, Dewey soon following with a deapeaned look, while webby saw it as well.

"Is it just me or is it taking a really long time to die?". The boy questioned as they pulled away and webby had a thoughtful look and walked towards some gears in the wall, humming.

"What does it look like, webby?". Dani asked as they looked at her.

"The turning mechanism on this wall of doom seems pretty old and rusty". She explained before looking at her two friends once they walked over. "We've got to get someone's attention before the walls eventually squish us".

Dewey placed a friendly reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, I've got an amazing plan guaranteed to get you out of almost any bad situation . . .".

"Really?". The two girls questioned him with raised brows, especially at his calm expression.


Webby and Dani once again deapeaned at the cute but dumb boy before looking at each other and shrugged their shoulders before joining him in yelling for the billionaire duck. Dani had enough after a good five seconds of yelling and looked at her friends with a deapeaned look, which they noticed and stopped screaming.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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