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Before reading this chapter, let's take the time to appreciate this amazing art of Dani by a friend of mine on Instagram.

Before reading this chapter, let's take the time to appreciate this amazing art of Dani by a friend of mine on Instagram

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I love so much!!!

Dani McQuack found herself rushing out of the McDuck mansion with webby, huey and dewey, all excited for their next big adventure.

"Next stop, monacrow!". Webby exclaimed, her arms spread out excitedly for their next destination. Her excitement also bringing a smile to dani's beak before she looked at the oldest sibling holding a pamphlet about their next adventure.

"Home to EX.C.E.S.S". He said, before showing them the poster that showed a scientist riding a skateboard and a robot dressed for a cool occasion. "The extreme consumer electronics and science symposium!".

"Boy, that's a mouthful. But it's still hard to believe someone could actually invent science and extreme together". Dani exclaimed, using her feathers hands to represent the two different worlds coming together. "It's the perfect combination".

"You said it, Danette". Huey agreed, before smiling at the thought of what they could encounter. "Just think, experimental race cars".

"Lasers!". Webby added thoughtfully.

"Airplanes?". Launchpad questioned egardly as he popped up next to them from his place in packing up their stuff into the car.

Both Dani and dewey smiled at him as the younger duck gave him a fist bump. "You bet, old friend".

"And monacrow is said to be the final resting place of the elusive Maltese MaeGuffin!". Scrooge McDuck exclaimed, as he came down the stairs. "Lost during Netherworld War II, this ephemeral heirloom is so rare that no one has ever laid eyes upon it".

"Whoa. So what is it exactly?". Huey asked in curiosity.

Scrooge just gaze up with a smile and his brown eyes sparkly, thinking his next sentence would make sense for their generation. "The stuff dreams are made off".

"No, but, like, is it a statue or-". Dani cut huey off with a smirk and placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's best not to ask questions".

Just then they heard whacking and looked at Donald duck carrying some wood that he wanted to use to fix his house boat. Huey then rushes towards to him.

"Come on, uncle Donald! You can fix the house boat when we come back". The boy in red then quickly ducks when his uncle turns to him, the wood he was carrying following his movement.

Donald smiled and shook his head at his oldest nephew. "Uh-uh. I'm almost done. We'll be on the water again in two days!".

On cue, a loud crash was heard from the backyard where the house boat was, to which Donald smiled speechishly.

"Seven days!".

A loud explosion took place next, to which the salior duck sighed knowingly before walking away, saying he should get started on his work.

DUCKTALES: THE GOLDEN DUCK Where stories live. Discover now