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Dani, huey, webby and dewey were gathered around scrooge McDuck who had placed down a map on top of a box after getting rid of some other stuff on it.

"Every 50 years, at sundown, the golden cricket emerges singing it's ethereal song. Some say the song holds the answer to life's greatest mysteries". After scrooge said that, Dani looked down at her amulet, thinking the golden cricket song might help solve the mystery of it. "How did we get here? What's our purpose in the universe?".

"Wait, is that a neon hot dog?". Everyone turned to an excited Louie looking out the window of the plane they were in. Of course the kids being kids just had to run up to him and check it out as well.


"So cool!".


"I'm hungry".

"Yes, yes, the city of Macaw is very exciting to look at, but you'll only find empty distractions here". Scrooge exclaimed, a little disappointed how the kids got distracted from his lecture of the golden cricket.

"I can't belive uncle gladstone is here!". Louie exclaimed excitedly, looking between his brothers.

"He's so charming". Huey said.

"And funny". Dewey added.

"He's like the luckiest guy in the world". Louie said, slouching on his seat before looking at the grumpy Donald duck who had his arms crossed and a scrowl on his face. "Uh, uncle Donald you must've had the best time growing up with him".

"He's the worst". Donald replied, rembering his times with his cousin. "Just the worst".

"Why is that?". Dani raised a brow curiously.

"Gladstone gander is a complete layabout". Scrooge replied, answering her question as he crossed his arms. "I don't know why we're responding to his call".

"It was a call for help". Webby pointed out.

"And like uncle Donald said, "family always helps family". Huey exclaimed, gesturing to his dear uncle who groaned.

"Why did I say that?". He questioned himself.

"Plus, he's easily our coolest uncle". Louie exclaimed, earning a glare from Donald.


"Sorry, coolest non-trillionaira uncle".

Donald duck nodded at that before realizing what he just said and groaned.

"Hey, come on, uncle Donald is kinda cool". Huey exclaimed, earning a nod in agreement from Dani.

"I agree".

Suddenly, the whole plane started to shake as it dives down into the city, to which Donald started to panic.

"We're all gonna die!". He cried, putting on his seatbelt and holding unto his sit. "I've waisted myself!".

The plain then landed above calming waters as everyone looked at Donald who opened his eyes in surprised to see that they were alright, and also noticing their stares.

"Yeah . . . We're kinda used to all this". Dani informed him, to which he chuckled nervously in embarrassment.

Dani felt bad for him and was about to say something until launchpad beat her to it.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are now arriving at Gladstone's current location". He annoced before the plain was packed at a dock and everyone got out.

"House of the lucky fortune". Dani said, reading out the sign on top of a casino in front of them as they all walked in before getting into the elevator.

DUCKTALES: THE GOLDEN DUCK Where stories live. Discover now