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Who would've believed a week would've gone by so fast since the trip to Atlantis. A bigger family, new neighbours, a full house. What a wonderful experience. At least to Dani, it wasn't.

The poor girl was greeted with a face full of play darts flying around once she opened the door of her bed room. Luckily webby had her back and brought her to a safe zone, even giving her her own weapons for battle. Dart guns. They were just dart guns.

So from the shadows, the girls watched huey trying to ran for his life as Dewey chased after him, shooting his dart guns. They even ran past scrooge and Mrs beakley's, but the kids were too occupied to care, until scrooge grabbed Dewey's dart gun.

"Dewey . . . Don't yell at your target before you atrack. You'll lose the element of surprise". He said, handing him back his toy before cacually walking away.

Now that was a sick twist, Dani thought, watching as Louie ran pass scrooge and began firing at his brothers, his reckless act almost making a vase fall down until Mrs beakley skilfully caught it, while still trying to balance on her head a stacked plie of tea cups.

"Good hands, beakley". Louie said to the house keeper, still focusing more on their game, to which the woman deapeaned.

"When I said you should spend more time with your family, I did not mean move them in". She muttered.

"Target acquired. You go left, I go right". Dani heard webby say through the walky-talky, to which she smirked.

"Roger that".

As Louie carefully walked down the hall, waiting patiently for his opponent's attacks. From above, a shadow swings by to another chandelier using a grappling hook right above him before they suddenly started shooting darts his way, which he was quick enough to see and began running away, screaming. Unfortunately, Louie trips on a trap already set out for him, sending pillows his way that send him falling to the ground.

"You set traps?". He questioned in shock, knowing there was only one mastermind to do such a thing. "It's just a game".

Above was webby, who had googles over her intimidating face. "You're not a player, you're a pawn".

"Webby, maybe take it down a notch". Dewey suggested, walking over.

"Tell that to my men you captured in Peking!".


"It's part of my character's backstory. Grizzled ex-special forces pulled out of retirement for revenge. What's your's?".

"My guy has a date gun?".

"Not anymore, suckers!". Suddenly, darts came flying at Dewey from behind, making him scream as he let's got of his gun that flys into the air. A figure leaped into the air, catching the dart gun before doing a flip, landing next to webby on the chandelier. Huey quickly rushed over, gasping in shock at his defeated brother before looking up at webby and Dani looking down at them smirking, with Dani aiming her dart guns at them.

"That was for shooting darts in my face . . . Which is my character's backstory, by the way".

Huey and louie screamed as they ran for their lives away from the girls, also abandoning their middle brother.

"I love it when they run. You take greenie, i take big red".

Huey panted at he ran before running down the stairs and puts his dart gun away. "The foyer's a safe zone. The foyer's a safe -".

Apparently rules didn't apply to Dani as she slid off the railing, jumping and landing above the terrified triplet. "This is no foyer. This is a tomb". No sooner did she say that, did she pull the trigger, shooting the duck right on the tailbone. Hard.

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