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Dani was carrying bowl of popcorn as she made it webby's room. Lena was over for another sleepover, so she,Dani, volunteer to make some popcorn for the the night. Dani climbed up the ladder and opened the attic door to the bed room. Sure enough, webby and Lena were there.

"I've got popcorn!". She annoced with a grin as she raised up the bowl.

Webby smiled in delight to see her. "Dani! You'll never believe what Lena did?".

The older duck laughed as she entered the room and closed the door below her. "What? What is it?".

"Oh nothing. Only the fact that she caught the greatest disease ever!". Webby happily hugged the Dani, who almost dropped her popcorn. "She's just as obsessed with scrooge as I am!".

Dani raised at brow at Lena confusly, only to receive a nervous chuckle and a shrugg in return.

"Ooh! Ooh! Let's start a fan club! Ooh! A fan club should start a blood oath! Oh! Let's take a blood oath!". Webby yelled a little to close into dani's ear, making her shriek as she lets go of the popcorn, only for the bowl to breach once it it the ground and the popcorn shattered around.

"Aw, my popcorn!". She pointed after webby let's go of her and makes her way out of the bed room.

Lena walked over to Dani and patted her back before looking down the ladder that webby had taken. "Or . . . We could start by checking out scrooge's number one dime".

That made dani's eyes widened before looking up at Lena. She was about to say something when webby beat her to it.

"Oh, I wish". She grabbed a book from her bookshelf after landing in the main room. "He keeps it to himself, that selfish lovable genius". She takes a look into her book as Dani and Lena came down from the ladder and she looks at them. "But . . . I do have an exhaustively researched presentation on the life and times of scrooge McDuck!". She exclaimed, excitedly showing the older girl's her book.

"Oh, no". They chorused, already knowing where this was going as webby began to read the book out loud.

"Scotland, 1867. A duckling is hatched to humble beginnings-".

Lena sighed before she and Dani groaned, until dani's eyes widened when she realized what webby said.

"Wait, 1867? How old is scrooge McDuck?". She questioned, walking over to her best friend who looked at her.

"I know, right? So special".

And just like that, the two of them began discussing, leaving Lena board out of her mind.

Eventually, Dani got board and just sat down while playing a game on her phone as webby kept on talking more about scrooge McDuck.

" . . . Until scrooge realized his worst nightmare was being caused by the mystical dreamcatcher he found back on January 8th 1977! What?! On January 9, 1977 . . ."

"Uh-huh. Sure, that's great, Webs". Dani said all with with her main focus still on phone. A few feet away from her was Lena, who had already fallen asleep on a chair.

"Making scrooge McDuck the finest venture capitalist the world will ever see". Webby finally finished her presentation and looked back at her friends, one quickly walking up from her name and the other quickly looking up from her phone, both acting as if they listened to her whole presentation. "Now on to the slideshow! I'm gonna get the projector". With that webby left the room, much to Lena and dani's relife.

But that dust last long when webby came back with her projector.

"Okay, most of these are an artist's rendering of the facts. But I drew them, so they're amazing".

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