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The great summit of mount Neverrest is gonna take a while before it gets uploaded. In the meantime please enjoy this one.


The sunchaser was doing it's best to fly through a thunderstorm. Inside in the cockpit were the gang screaming as the loud thunder strikes while Donald duck was busy trying to put on a perashoot and a helmet.

"Ah, come on, a little lightning never killed anyone".

Dani looked at her cousin like he was a crazy person, and he kinda was. "That is literally what lightning does!".

Suddenly, lightning strook the plain as it fumbles, to which the gang gasp until launchpad quickly hit some buttons that made the plain fly back in a straight line.

"See? Nothin' to worry about!".

Just in case, Dewey flicked some switches and turned a nob. Suddenly a red light began beeping and webby pointed to it.

"What about that flashing red light?".

"Huh?". Launchpad looked at it before he punched it to stop it, but it didn't. "That's just probably the "everything is fine" light".

"Okay, but hypothetically, what if it's the "everything is not fine" light?". Dewey pointed out, to which the pilot gasp.

"Oh, no!". He quickly began doing everything he could, ignoring the steering wheel in the process as the plain began going down, to which everyone screamed once again.

A familer looking island then came to view to which webby and Dani shared grinning looks before looking at Dewey on the other side of lauchpad. The boy noticed their looks and gave them a nevous thumbs up before going back to screaming as they got closer to the island before the plain crashed on the sand.

Dani groaned as she rubbed her chin before gasping when she saw clear skys.

"Where are we?". She turned to Louie and the others looking out the window on the door before approaching them as huey brought out his JWG.

"According to the JWG, we're off the tip of Greece, and . . . Wait. This can't be right. I thought it was a myth".

"What? What is this place?". Louie asked as they looked at his book.

Scrooge looked out the window and glared in recognition. "Ithaquack".

"What?". Donald commented in shock.

"Look!". Dani pointed out the window, to which they all gasp to that they were on the island of the ancient Greek gods.

"It's gorgeous".

"Look at that!".

"So breathtaking".

"No!". They all turned to a angry Donald duck. "No, no, no. We gotta go now!".

Agreeing, scrooge looked up at lauchpad in the cockpit. "Get this plain in the air!".

"Sorry, Mr McD, gotta figure out what this flashing light means". He said, gesturing the the red beeping light. " I always say, better safe than . . . Whatever the opposite of safe is".

"You mean sorry?". Dani said, to which he pointed a finger at her.

"Bingo! Yeah. I do say that".

"When have you ever said that?!". Scrooge yelled at him.

Seeing as they were occupied, webby had a thoughtful look.

"Hmm. Might as well take a look around". She suggested, earning smiles from the others.

DUCKTALES: THE GOLDEN DUCK Where stories live. Discover now