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Night in duckburg city, the cinema doors opened up for the citizens to come out after watching a movie.

"Oh, man, that is classic cinema". Dewey exclaimed, he and the others coming out of the theatre as well.

"So good". Webby commented, jumping up excitedly as Lena looked at her.

"Oh, and remember when the surgeon tried to cut the mole queen in half but then she multiplied into a million mole babies and then they ate him?". She said before imitating a chainsaw to attack webby, who pretended to get hurt as she growled, to which Lena fake screamed before they both started laughing. They were about to walk until, a angry Mrs beakley grabbed Lena's hand.

"You said this was an educational film. Suitable for all ages". She said, glaring down at lena who just stood there calmly.

"Uh, it's a cautionary tale about the dangers of mole monsters. And everyone could use a lesson on chainsaw safety". Immediately after she said that, Dani was the last to come out of the theatre with a scared launchpad.

"Easy there, launchpad. It was just a movie, see?". She reassured him as she pointed to the sign of the movie they just finished watching, which launchpad hesitantly looked at.

"Lame!". The pilot screamed, jumping into his cousin's arms from the sudden noise. The younger girl casually standing there before looking at Louie, who had spoken. "Where was the drama, the heart, the needlessly expensive car crash mayhem?".

"This isn't a Bollywood movie, Louie". Dani exclaimed, walking over to them with her terrified cousin in her arms. "But I gotta agree, I didn't get it either".

"Proberbly because you were busy taking care of launchpad throw out the whole movie". Lena exclaimed with a hand on her hip before raising a brow. "Is he always like this?".

"Only when we watch horror movies, so we don't watch 'em for his sake". She replied, rocking her cousin who muttered. "Mole people".

"Right . . . Well, even if mole men did exist, why attack someone in the shower?". Huey questioned, refusing to believe in the fictional characters. "With the water running there wouldn't be enough traction to attack anyone above the knee. Totally phony". He exclaimed, earning two nods in agreement from Louie and Dani, to which webby glared.

"What is with you guys? It says right on the poster: Based on an actual true novel". She pointed to said writhing on the poster.before huey got out his junior woodchuck guide book from under his hat.

"This is the only book I trust. If it's not in the junior woodchuck guidebook, then it's not a thing".

"What about were-ducks?". Webby asked, to which he looked into his book.

"Nope". He simply replied.


"Not a thing".

"Well, what about the legendary terra-firmians of duckburg".

Huey sighed, taking a look into his book. "Let's see. Pterodactyl, terror-dactyl, terrible twos. Nope. No terra-firmians. Must not exist".

Webby laughed for a moment, thinking he was joking but stopped, seeing as he was serious. "What? Terra-firmians, the mythical underground race that live below over very city?".

Huey chuckled. "No. That's ridiculous".

"No, you're ridiculous".

"Children, children". Lena came inbetween the two, wrapping her arms around their shoulders. "There's an easy way to settle this. Let's go find out ourselves".

They all looked at an old abandoned subway tunnel just across the street, until someone cleared their throat, making them look up at Mrs beakley who was giving them a look.

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