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Before reading just know that I decided to change Dani's design a bit 'cause I wasn't quit satisfied with the first drawing. Actually I just gave her a new outfit and slightly different hair, but honestly I don't like the face at all.

 Actually I just gave her a new outfit and slightly different hair, but honestly I don't like the face at all

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Dani sat in-between webby and Dewey inside a jeep that was taking them who knows where. The older girl was playing a game on her phone while ignoring scrooge scolding her cousin for reckless driving, and huey and louie sounding panick over it.

The old duck used his cane to take the map away from launchpad, the pilot/driver giggling nervously in response before focusing on the road. Scrooge rolled his eyes before looking back at the kids.

"Remember, lads. No sudden movements, no eyes contact. If you're Cornered, the heartless heathens will give you no quarter". He said all that scowling in a way of hatred, especially by the way how his clutched his fist so tight that it could break a pen.

This worried both Huey and Louie.

"This does not sound like a fun trip". The green boy remarked, his older brother agreeing as he spoke up. "Misty moors, vague warnings. Sneaking out behind uncle Donald's back? Can you please just tell us where we are going?".

"The less you know, the better". Was the only thing scrooge replied before he turned back to face the road.

But that clearly didn't sit right with the youngest and oldest siblings as their eyes met before one crossed his arms and they both rested their backs on their seats with their heads slouching.

Dani, webby, and dewey ignored most of the conversation as a pile of big heavy luggages separated them from Huey and Louie.

Dani groaned in dismay when her character got killed in her game, to which she stops playing and dipped her hands with her phone inside her jacket pockets. A bright glow at the side then caught her attention, making her turn to look at Dewey who had his back turned like he was hiding something.

Curious, Dani slowing leaned towards him to look over his shoulder and was surprised to see he had the spear the moon goddess gave him, and he was looking at old pictures of his mother. Dani couldn't help but frown, knowing how much he missed his mom.

Unfortunately for her before she could say anything, another voice beat her to it.

"Oh, that's a good one".

"Aah!". Both Dewey and Dani shrieked at the sudden voice as one shot out her arms from her pocket and the other almost dropped the crystal ball, but thankfully got it.

Dani sighed in relief before turning to webby. "Webby, don't do that! I wasn't expecting it".

"Sorry". The girl in pink let out a speechish grin, to which Dani sighed. The two of them then turned to Dewey who looks at them with a suspicious raised brow.

"How long have you two been there watching me?".

"25, 30 minutes". Webby said professionally, earning two looks from her friends, before Dani looked at Dewey.

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