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Inside the McQuack garage, Dani sat next to Dewey on the couch with a bowl of nachos inbetween them as they watched an old showed called Darkwing duck.

"Big day, Dani and Dewey". Launchpad said from his spot behind the limo before holding up two t-shirts with ketchup and mustard stains on them. "Musterd stain or ketchup stain?".

They looked at him, both having the same thought in mind. "Mustard obviously, looks less like blood". Dani said as Dewey nodded in agreement before looking back at the TV.

"What is this weird show?". Dewey asked, surprising Launchpad as he dropped one of his t-shirts and closes the trunk.

"Whoa, what? Darkwing Duck? The greatest TV show of all time?". He said, going behind the curtains to change as Dewey laughed.

"Ha! Maybe when you were a kid. This hero guy doesn't even fly or shoot lasers or anything".

"Not all superheros need powers to be super". Dani stated, throwing some chips into her beak. "Some are still cool without them. Like batman".

"Nah. I'm more into supermen".

"That hero guy is jim starling". Launchpad said, gesturing to Darkwing Duck as he got out from behind the curtains. "He was a old-school actor who did all his own stunts. Sure he got a little banged up in later seasons".

They watched as the super hero tried doing a trick as his jumped off his car, only to crash on the floor with his beak close to the camera, grunting as he said "keep rolling".

"But that just made him even more heroic". Launchpad went back behind the curtains.

"More like more stupid". Dani muttered, seeing as he kept hurting himself for the good of his show.

"Why didn't he just use CGL?". Dewey asked before taking a sip on his soda as the pilot chuckled.

"Real heroes don't need high-tech special effects or basic safety precautions".

"Pretty sure they do on the safety part". Dani muttered, throwing more chips into her month before Launchpad came out from behind the curtains.

"So, how do I look?".

The two kids smiled abd gave him thumbs up, much to his delight.

"Great! Now to the limo". Launchpad said, already running towards the driver seat.

The kids were about to join as they reached to eat another nacho, only feel an empty bowl and looked to see one last chip seating in their middle. They looked back at each other and glared.

"Only one chip left". Dani said, her narrowed green eyes looking from the duck boy to the last chip in the bowl.

"Race you for it".

"Okay. I'll try".

"Hands on the chair". Dewey said as they placed both hands on the chair and adjusted their positions. "On three. 1-".

Dani cut him off by taking the last chip and ate it, much to his dismay.

"Come on! You-little-chip snatcher".

"All fair's in love and potatoes, Dewford". She smirked as her index traced his chin before flicking his beak. She ignores Dewey blushing at her sudden action while getting off the couch and headed towards the limo. "Also, I call shotgun".

"Oh man". Dewey groaned playfully, the red in his cheeks already dying down while following the older girl before they entered the limo.

"About time you two lovebirds got here". Launchpad said, making both of them blush as they were about Something but he continued. "Now remember, a true hero thinks with his gut or not at all. Right, D.W.?". They looked at his Darkwing Duck bubblehead before launchpad shook it's head.

DUCKTALES: THE GOLDEN DUCK Where stories live. Discover now