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Dani stood next to Dewey and huey with her arms crossed as the three of them watch scrooge and glomgold glaring intensively at each other as they groaned.

"Are we going to the store, or . . ." Huey said, before scrooge raised a finger at him.

"Quiet. I'm in the middle of a vision best battle of wills". He exclaimed, his eyes not leaving that of glomgold.

"So it's a staring contest?". Dewey asked.

"It's not just a staring contest! It's a-". Glomgold gasp. "Nice try, McDuck. But your family bickering will never get me to look away, never!".

"It's a starring contest". Dani confirmed with a deapeaned look before rolling her eyes. "They do this every month".

"Excuse me". The three kids turned to a butler standing next to them. "This area of the duckburg billionaires' club is only for our elite members". The three of them rolled their eyes as they made their way to the exit. "The crème da la crème, the finest ducks in duckburg!".

As they made there way to the exit, someone else entered the room looking at his phone as huey gasp, recordnising the bird.

"Is that-".

"Yep". They heard his whisper, he was either replying huey or just saying that to whatever was looking at on his phone as the kids finally made it out the door.

"That was mark beaks!". Huey exclaimed to Dani and dewey as one played a game on their phone and the other was checking out a old suit of Amor. "He's right in there! Oh, man, I'm almost breathing the same air as him". He sniffed the air. "Oh, ingenuity".

"Whoa, would you calm down all ready". Dani said, finding amusement in his fan boy mode. "I haven't seen you this excited since you got you sewing bagde. Sure mark beaks made some great stuff, but he's not that amazing".

That earned her a dramatic gasp from huey, while Dewey agreed.

"Yeah. And come on, like I couldn't be a young influential business guy?". After Dewey said that, both huey and Dani shared a look and started laughing, thinking his was joking. "What?".

"Wait, you were actually serious?". Dani questioned in surprise while putting away her phone.

"It's just you're more the crazy, irresponsible, fun guy than the serious, brilliant, successful guy". Huey exclaimed.

"Which isn't a bad thing, by the way. The world needs people like that".

"You don't know!". Dewey said, starting to get offended as he jabbed a thumb at himself. "At least I'm not the guy who just reads about the people who do stuff guy. I could be a bigger deal than beaks in three years, tops!".

"Woah, woah, let's take it easy now". Dani exclaimed, getting in between the boys to settle whatever tension between them.

"Oh yeah? And what about you? The scary girl whose always suspicious around everyone she meets".

"I am not always suspicious around everyone I meet". Dani glared at Dewey before snapping her head at huey. "Right, huey?".

"I-i". The boy started, getting a little nervous at her intimidating glare as he began to sweat.

"Am I or am I not suspicious? And why are you sweating a lot, it's not like you're heading anything from me, are you?".

"Wo! I-is just me or is it getting really hot in here?". Huey said, a nervous grin on his face as he fan himself with his magazine.

"See?". Dewey exclaimed with his arms crossed as Dani finally saw his point and sweetdrops before looking away pouting.

Just then the door opened up, realizing loud music while marks beak came walking out backwards.

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