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"I run a multi-trillion dollar business. I can handle a few juveniles for the weekend. You just focus on this new job of yours". Scrooge McDuck said to Donald on the phone, his top half of his body sticking out of the opened hatch of a submarine the gang were in and was floating on the surface of the ocean. "Besides we've got a pretty low-key day planned".

Immediately a excited Dewey pops up next to him, yelling. "Hoist the mass sails! Other boat words to Atlantis! Dive! Dive!".

"No! Wait!". Scrooge tried to stop him but unfortunately was too late.

"Aye-aye!". Came launchpad's voice to dewey from the cockpit as he started lowering the boat.

"Launchpad! The hatch!". Scrooge yelled, quickly pulling the excited Dewey in before closing the hatch. They still got a little wet, along with getting some water inside the sub.

Dani was with webby and louie, pulling a thingy to get the water out as they glared at Dewey excitedly running to the front. Dani looked at scrooge, who took off his hat for some water to escape before putting it back on, then walk away not before tossing Louie the phone.

"Talk to your uncle".

The youngest triplet casually dose so. "Hey, uncle Donald. . . Nope. Yeah, pretty boring. We napped, rubbed ointment on our joints, old people stuff".

Webby was confused by what he was telling his uncle. "Oh n-n-wait! B-but what about the dragon? And the plain crash? And the-".

She was cut off by Dani placing a hand on her her beak to stop her from talking.

"Oops! 3pm. Time for dinner. Bye!". He quickly hanged up and let out a sigh of relief, to which Dani let go of webby's beak.

"Why didn't you tell him the truth?". She asked.

"Normally I'm against lying, but you heard what scrooge said. Donald can't know anything about this". Dani reminded, to which Louie gestured to her.

"You see? Also, you didn't tell your grandma we were going to a dangerous underwater city, did you?". He asked webby, who Dani saw frowning nervously.

"I kinda sorta didn't tell her anything".

"Webby, that's irresponsible. She'll be worried sick". Dani scolded, as Louie nodded in agreement before giving the phone to webby.

"Yeah! Now call your grandma this instant and tell her that you are spending the night at dani's house, okay?" Dani nodded in agreement before he added something unexpected. "Lying, it's the responsible thing to do".

"Okay, not sure if that's actually true. But just call her. I'm sure it'll be fine".

Webby frown, looking down at the phone hesitantly. Dani noticed her thumb shaking as it aimed down at a number on the phone.

"Oh, would you look at that. All the water's finally gone. Phew. Now let's go see what the others are doing up front". With that, webby pockets the phone and quickening rushed to the front.

Dani and louie sighed, knowing she used that as an excuse before following her to the front, where they see a grouchy Dewey seating next to huey on the couch, the older brother holding up a matching T-shirt to his younger brother.

"I will cram it down your throat".

The oldest triplet just sat down, putting the shirt away in defeat.

"Guys, lighten up. We're on a deep sea expedition". Louie said to his brothers, as he, Dani and webby took the seat behind the two brothers. "With scrooge McDuck". The five of them looked at said duck, who was busy mapping out they locations. Scrooge looks back, noticing their stares at him before he decided to do something to excite them.

DUCKTALES: THE GOLDEN DUCK Where stories live. Discover now