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(A/N: Just imagine the trial a bit different from the video!!)

Another two years have passed and Shinobu wasnt able to get over Giyuu and Kanaes death.

She has even changed her appearance.

She started wearing Giyuus haori and gave Kanaes to Kanao. She even changed her butterfly clip to one of Kanaes.

After Giyuu died she read his journal finding out why he let the boy and demon girl live and promising herself to safe them in any situation.

She most likely had their appearance imagined in her head. She was happy that Giyuu trusted them.

She started smiling less and barely smiled in front of the hashiras, since she couldn't forgive their doing.

Anyways, Douma became more obsessed over her, which was more creepy now. He watched her sleep, smelled her underwear and other creepy things. He started killing demon slayers that even showed a little blush on their cheeks, which made him more jealous and wanting her for her own.

Now, Shinobu and Rengoku got assigned to go to mount Natagoumu, where Shinobu just gave Rengoku a few anti-poison antidotes leaving to find the demons.

She killed a father spider demon and the lower moon 5 who almost killed a slayer. She turned around noticing their appearance and saving them on last second from Rengokus attack.

Shinobu told the boy to run and sent Kanao helping them while duelling the flame hashira.

After a while crows called to bring Tanjiro Kamado and Nezuko Kamado to the headquarters making rengoku frown a bit.

"Hey! Wake up!", the Kakushi called trying to wake up a certain burgundy haired boy.

The boy finally woke up getting introduced by the hashiras leaving Shinobu silent.

"What are gonna do with Shinobu?", Obanai the serpent hashira said."From what Rengoku said, Shinobu too violated the demon slayer corps."

All hashiras looked at Shinobu, who looked quietly at the boy.

"Can you explain yourself young boy?", Rengoku asked.

Tanjiro just coughed and than got some water from Shinobu, who looked quiet.

Sniffing the air Tanjiri could smell both hatred towards the hashira and sadness vibrating out of Shinobu.

"M-my sister was turned into a demon! She never ate a human and from now on won't!", Tanjiro explained.

Some people talked about it, when Sanemi arrived with Nezukos box. Sanemi kept stabbing her until Tanjiro headbutted him and the master arrived.

During the meeting, after one of Ubuyashikis daughters read the letter got quiet looking at her sister, who quietly nodded.

"Since the water pillar Tomioka Giyuu is deceased, Kocho Shinobu wanted to be the one to commit seppuku."

Tanjuros eyes widened at both statements he heard. He couldn't believe that Giyuu died and started to feel guilty.

Shinobu just softly smiled and went over to Tanjiro and put her hand on his back making him look at her.

The air he sniffed made him almost sob of softness that she radiated out of her.

Well, not until he smelled both blood and another strong demon.

Looking forward he saw Nzuko trying to fight herself against the blood and he stood up and without looking back tried to encourage Nezuko to reject the blood, which she luckily did.

Both Tanjiro and Nezuko then were sent to the butterfly estate to recover.

Tanjiro still smelled the strong demon scent and quietly looked behind him seeing a demon staring right at Shinobu blushing. 'What the he-', he was cut of from his thoughts when he passed out.

'Shinobu-chan is so cute! The way her aura changed into softness! It was beautiful! I hope she would do that aswell when she is mine~'the demon thought happily. (BTW, he is in a bush looking at her)

A/N: Hope you guys liked the chapter! Have a great day!

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