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A week passed and all the remaining hashiras had a meeting, including Akaza, who is sitting beside Shinobu.

All the pillars were discussing everything, until Amane, the masters wife arrived and started to apologized for her husbands not yet arrival, because of his ill state.

She explained about a rumor of demon slayer marks in Mitsuri and Muichiro back in the swordsmith village.

Mitsuri made a weird explanation on what happened, causing Obanai to facepalm and Sanemi giving the short snake boy a 'you-seriously-love-her?' expression.

Muichiro on the other hand made a good enough explanatio, which made more sense than Mitsuri's.

The meeting soon ended and Akaza and Shinobu stood up from their seat and took their leave, getting Sanemi's attention, who snarled at them.

Shinobu ignored him meanwhile Akaza was doing his best to not kill the scarred man.

Gyomei soon clapped his hands with force causing everyone's attention, excluding the insect hashira, the former upper three and the Ubuyashiki family.

Once left Shinobu and Akaza started talking until Kocho's crow flows up to them and hands the pillar a letter.

"A letter?", Akaza asked confused.

"Let's see what it is about", Kocho exclaims as she opens the letter and reads it.

Dear insect pillar,

My name is Tamayo and I am a demon. But I do not support Kibutsuji Muzan or any of his underlings. I have the same goal as every other demon slayer, and to kill Kibutsuji once and for all. I am also a doctor and have a plan on poisoning Kibutsuji with many drugs, until he slowly dies. Your master has contacted me and wished for me to send you this letter. I will wait for your response. Have a great day.

From Tamayo

Once Shinobu was done reading, she looked at Akaza patiently, hoping an answer from him. The demon read the letter as well before looking at Shinobu and nodding.

"Tamayo is a betrayer and a threat towards Muzan. She escaped his control back in the Sengoku era. That is the only information I know about her", Akaza explains to her.

"I see. Then it would be good to talk to her and see if the drug of hers would work."

Both eventually arrive back to the butterfly mansion, as the day started to continue normal.

Back to Douma, he was sitting on his throne and got prayed on by a few customers, who are hoping to become healthy after some time. The upper two on the other hand had other plans and told the customers that if they hand him their female family members they will get healthy. And not even a hour later the customers sent their female family members to the cult and Douma devoured them in less than a minute.

After Akaza left, the upper three spot stayed open, as to no other demon having the potential to get that position.

The rainbow eyes male also started missing his pink haired friend as he made a dramatic sad sigh.

Kibutsuji is ready to strike the Ubuyashiki family soon and kill them. The hashiras are starting to train lower ranked slayers, starting the following day.

The question that stays in mind is, if anyone will survive. Since Giyuu is gone, things will change abruptly.

The hashira training arc is starting soon and Tamayo's appearance is already there. Will in this book the slayers win, like in the original plot, or will the demon sight somehow win? What about the secret messager back when Shinobu was still captured?

A/N: The chapter ends and I deeply apologize for not uploading. I just accidentally forgot that I'm writing this book.

Today's Q&A, by @Ewaoluwa678

"For the Q & A, my question is what made you want to write this book. What gave you the idea of the topic."

To answer your question, I really loved the Yandere books here on Wattpad. I originally wanted to make it an xreader story, but I didn't know who to ship with, so I thought about different kinds of ships that could work with the original characters instead, and after a while Shinobu x Douma came in mind. I actually prefer Giyushino, but since I was desperate to do a story like this I made a Doushino story, but with the start of Giyushino. I then had to think about the right timing they could meet and it everything then went good. So yeah, that's the reason why.

By the way, have a great day/night/morning/evening/noon.

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