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The pillars of the demon slayer Corp are trying to find out how to get into another country as fast as possible and get back here.

None of them knew what to do and all of them were confused, so their thought seemed not to be cut off.

The Kamaboko squad also has trouble thinking. They want to save Shinobu, but didn't know what to do. They all knew she was in America, but which country singer to everyone unknown.

Akaza too tries to figure out which country Shininu is and keeps on breaking things when he doesn't find a solution.

Muzan too secretly started helping, since he was both disgusted and annoyed of Douma and doesn't want the girl to be in any kind of bad trauma. He knew Gary(Giyuu) well and he knew how much Gary loves his girl, so Muzan wants to stay loyal to his friend and starts to figure out.

Everyone was thinking of an plan to help Shinobu escape, while on her side things got worse.

Douma already prepares the wedding and keeps on finding ways to give Shinobu the punishment, while she is trying her best not to do anything stupid.

She started to crie all night and sometimes at day time and felt like that escaping was impossible, when she suddenly heard someone knocking the door.

Outside was a neighbour, who sometimes keeps visiting her to see if Shinobu is ok. But since Shinobu was afraid that douma might do something, she never opened the door. And like always she didnt open the door.

The neighbor on the other hand didnt give up and she kept on knocking the door.

Shinobu just let the door knock and walked to a small room and stayed there quietly.

Than sirens were heard and it seems like that the neighbor called the cops and the cops broke the door in.

Shinobu flinched and kept quiet putting her hands on her mouth having muffled cries.

Than she had a feeling of hope and started to look out the door. Some cop noticed it and went up to her. He was about to help her, when something slashed around his back making the man fall.

Shinobu almost screamed, but kept her mouth hidden, while tears streamed out of her face.

In the next second everything was blood inside the room and Douma was standing there with his fans on his hands staring at Shinobu.

"Shinobu-chan... Did you disobey me again?", he asked frowning.

Shinobu was scared to move and just shook her head to a no.

"But it seemed like you wanted to escape... Poor people dying because of you..."

Shinobus eyes widened. All those people died because of her? Her Tsugokus, her sister, her lover and demon slayers died because of her? She couldn't believe it.

While she didnt even flinch, Douma took her to a room and started punishing her.

Time skip

Shinobu was crying on the floor. It seemed like those tears would never stop.

She hoped that a miracle could happen and she would be safe, but who was she kidding? If Douma is still alive, she cant do anything.

She was really worried about everyone and hoped that everyone was safe.

The Kamaboko main trio arrived with Tengen Uzui to the Red Light District. All were still worried about Shinobu, but all of them still had to fight the demon roaming there.

All of them somehow got into a house that might have a demon roaming.

Will they survive? That was an important question. All of then don't know if it is a normal demon or one of the twelve Kizuki.

Everyone was worried...

A/N: It seems like Shinobus only hope of running away was a failure. And while that is happening the Entertainment District arc started in the demon slayer series. Can Shinobu somehow escape or will she have to stay with him forever? What would happen to the demon slaying corp if more pillars will be lost. You will find out soon on the next chapter.

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