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Tanjiro and his friends started rehabilitation training. Since it was really unbearable for them, his friends stopped going there leaving Tanjiro on his own.

Tanjiro kept being determined and started to learn how to do total concentration breathing 24/7.

Right now, he is on the roof doing total concentration breathing, while Shinobu was taking a small walk. She kept having weird dreams, after Giyuus death that made her a bit creeped out, that she started sleeping less.

Tanjiro smelled the presence of Shinobu and looked at her. 'Kocho-san is taking a midnight-walk? She smells stressed out', Tanjiro thought looking at her.

Ever since he saw the demon in the bushes that day he kept sensing it in a near radius.

Shinobu seemed uncomfortable and than started to walk out of the estate. Tanjiro decided to follow her, to sort things out.

When Tanjiro arrived, he found himself in a cemetery. He followed Shinobu until she stopped in front of a grave, sitting infront of it and praying for a while.

Tanjiro started feeling guilt coming over him.

"Nee-san... it's quite a while since I came to visit. (Turns to the grave beside) You too Tomioka-san", Shinobu said, while giving a small smile.

"Ne Tomioka-san, I found the two children you saved two years ago. They are really cute and respectful. Tanjiro kept doing rehabilitation training and now is trying to do total concentration breathing. Can you believe he was almost able to kill the lower moon 5? I am very proud of their development. I bet you would be too if you were still here... You know, I keep wondering who snitched on you. I would do the best I can to take revenge to that person. And Kanae (looks at her sisters grave), the children are just sweethearts. I'm sorry for not keeping my promise or for not leaving the demon slayer corp like you said, but I still want to avenge on the demon, who killed you. If he is dead, then I might quit the corps.", Shinobu said while her voice sounded like she is having a breakdown.

"You know, after your death Tomioka-san I kept having strange dreams. Its creeping me out lately. I also kept feeling watched, after your death Nee-san. I have a feeling that something is happening, so I ordered something from the swordsmith village, as well as Tanjiros and his friend's Katana. I hope that they would make it for me", Shinobu said while looking up to the sky.

Tanjiro couldn't believe what he heard. She was being open to only two people and it seemed like those are some hints of something.

A sudden shadow than creeped behind Tanjiro almost slashing him, when he dodged right on time. He turned around as his face went pale.

It was the same demon he saw before passing out after the trial. Having a closer look he could see the word 'upper moon 2' on the demons eyes, while demon gave a blood lust look.

Tanjiro knew he couldn't do anything, but the demon started talking.

"How dare you follow Shinobu-chan to the cemetery and show pity for her. She is mine and I would kill anyone who comes across me. Just like the water hashira", Douma said.

"So, you're the one who killed Tomioka-san?", Tanjiro said shocked.

"Ah, yep!", Douma said cheerfully.

"Shinobu-chan is asleep, so could you go away. I'm being nice for once!", the demon said, while being in a blushing mess.

'He reminds me of Yushiro after I blushed a little bit at Lady Tamayo', Tanjiro thought uncomfortable.

"No! I wont let you do anything to Kocho-san!", Tanjiro said while spreading his arms infront of Shinobus sleeping body.

Douma seemed irritated, but when he felt some dread spreading in his body, as well as his master giving him some sort of mind punishment he gave in.

Why, you may ask he felt dread? Muzan knows every plan of every demon and he kinda felt creeped out of douma plan and wants to stop him. He didnt notice Tanjiro tho.

Douma than left leaving Tanjiro a bit confused, but relieved.

"Tanjiro? What are you doing here?", Shinobu asked surprised.

"H-hello Kocho-san! I saw you leaving and I kind of was worried of your safety, so I followed. I-i know you're strong, but what if you face and upper rank demon? Heh-", Tanjiro said telling half truth.

"I see. Thank you so much for your concern", Shinobu said while smiling at him softly.

"E-eh Kocho-san...", Tanjiro started.

"Indeed. I was there when Tomioka-san got killed. That memory keeps replaying in my mind, which makes me feel like going crazy", Shinobu said calmly looking at Giyuus grave.

"You sure are a loving person. Right Koch-san?", Tanjiro asked.

"You too are one Tanjiro. You still smile after going through rough time. I believe you can accomplish your dreams in the near future and kill Muzan. If you cannot do so, then your descendants can do so, or your successors. I am supporting you in any way, Tanjiro Kamado", Shinobu said making Tanjiro in the verge of tears.

"Tanjiro, I know you heard what I said to Tomioka-san and nee-san. I believe, what I'm going to give you is going to help you find me if anything bad happens"

"A-Alright", Tanjiro said confused.

"Now, let's  go back. Shall we?"

Tanjiro nodded in response and they both left leaving Douma mad behind a tree near the cemetery.

A/N: Tanjiros encounter of an uppermoon... what might happen next?

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