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A month passed by and Shinobu was finally able to know all the details needed. She was already planning her escape plan. Without Douma knowing of course.

Douma told her that they would marry in a few more months. This was a relief for the insect pillar, as she still has time.  

Today she is walking to get her weekly grocery. She got anything needed and also went to a flower shop buying some wisteria flowers. She has to act smart, so she decides to poison herself once a week while being outside. This was a great idea for her.

Meanwhile back in Japan a boar head and a redhead were still in a deep coma. The scared cat of the group was now back in shape and was able to go back to missions.

The hashira's are are still on the search for Shinobu. Muzan found out the location a while ago and decided to send the corp an anonymous letter needed to find Shinobus location.

Akaza was training as he decided to leave the demons side and become a demon slayer. Why? Is unknown. The only people knowing the reason are Muzan and Kagaya. 

Tamayo too found out about the unfortunate news. She decided to make a stronger poison the planned. Since Shinobu wasn't there to accompany her, she decided to do things on her own, that she didn't have much time for herself or Yushiro.

Back to Shinobu, she was now back in the apartment. Douma went back to his cult, having to take care of it. She put the groceries on the dining table and started cleaning the house. After that she decided to read a book about poisonous flowers. She needed to know more needed flowers to be able to kill Douma herself.

"Hello! I have mail for you!", a voice called out. Shinobu opened the door getting the letter and read it. 

She immediately wrote a reply and told the mailman to give it back to the sender. The mailman just nodded and left.

The insect pillar decided to make some food for herself, since she has nothing else to do and gets a bit hungry.

She made some sushi and decided to eat it. Instant ramen wasn't sold there, so she decided to make the second best thing to eat.

When she was finally done she decided to take a small nap since she still has to rest after injecting her poison in herself.

Another month has passed and she was ready to kill the demon once and for all. 

Meanwhile in the butterfly estate. The a boy with a strong forehead had a strange dream and then waking up from his two month long coma. Everyone was happy he was awake. Even a specific man wearing a mask hiding his natural beauty was happy that the boy was awake and decided to show off. The blonde haired boy sadly was on a mission crying not wanting to run away from his mission, as the villagers stopped him.

A/N: That's it for today. I will try to upload chapters more often. Have a great day/night/morning/etc. bye <3

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