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It's been a few days since Shinobu got into a whole different country, with the ugly looking ass demon.

She figured out that she was in America and things like this made things turn upside down. Still she doenst know which country.

She was not allowed to talk to anyone, only necessarily and if she ever disobeyed the demon, she would be given an punishment.

At the butterfly estate on the other hand, everyone went out looking for the certain pillar, from calling her name, to observe everything around them.

After about a week, the corpse met a demon, who respects women and kills men to become stronger. He also was the killer of Rengoku.

Hearing the story if the insect pillar and how she is now under the upper moon two's wing made the upper three mad. He disappeared and came back two hours later with blood covering him. He said he just had to get his anger out and that was understandable.

Now, Shinobu went into the kitchen to get to make her plan work. She observed everything in and a little bit out the apartment and knows when the demon comes back and when he leaves. She started creating poison, that is made to kill demons, even though it wouldn't really work, because she doesn't have any wisteria with her.

'Nee-san, Tomioka-san... I hope you guys are ok. What should I do?', Shinobu thought looking to the ground.

Ever since the time the demon made out with her, he started trying to do it more often, making the pillar scared of becoming pregnant.

Than suddenly the demon arrived with a huge smile plastered on him. He hugged Shinobu from behind and than saw what she was doing making him frown a little bit, but than smiling brightly.

"Aw~ Shinobu-chan! Your so cute! But, why are you making poison??? Is it for me??", the demon asked threatening a little. Shinobu just froze in place eyes wide open shaking a little.

She got pulled to turn to the demon and started shaking rapidly afraid of the punishment.  

The demon than pulled her out of the room and brought her to the basement locking the door behind him and walking up to her hiding his smile with one of his fans.

"I guess you have to get reached a lesson, right Shinobu-chan?", Douma said getting his other fan out and starting to hit her with it. At some point he also took out his belt and started hitting her again.

Five minutes later he was done and starting kissing her hardly, while she still had tears coming from her eyes. The demon than put his cock inside her without any warning making Shijobu trying to grasp, but it got stopped by Douma kissing her harder and exploring her mouth with his lips.

When he was done, the pillar was a crying mess and the demon than went up to her and told her that they are going to get married soon and than left happily.

In the butterfly estate

Tanjiro and his friends are allowed to go to missions again, but Tanjiro had none in the meantime, so he went to the missing pillar's with the other hashiras to her room to inspect something.

He looked around the room and saw that it still was cleaned up like before and started looking for clues where she could be found. With him were Nezuko, Kanroji, Iguro and Shinazugawa to find any trace from Shinobu.

Hours passed and they found her diary and the hidden key for it to open and started reading.

XX.XX. 1911

Dear diary,
Nee-san jas been killed today by a
demon that looks like a cult
member. She told me he uses ice manipulation as his blood demon art
and that he can't feel emotions.
I blame myself for not being there on
time to safe her. She always told
me that she loved my smile and
that I should smile more often.
Right now I promised myself
to always smile for her and that I
would avenge myself to who ever
that demon is, who killed her and
after killing him I would quit the Corp'
once and for all.

That was written on the first page. Sanemi started vibrating both anger and sadness, while Mitsuri was almost crying, Iguro comforted her, Tanhiro was shocked and Nezuko didnt know what was going on here and seemed concerned.

Than the demon, who looks like a basketball came and read it getting irk Mark's all over his face and punching a wall breaking it making the others shocked, since they didnt seem to notice his presence.

"She is in America. I also took the diary of the demon and read it. We have to get there fast. Got that?", the demon asked and everyone in the room except for Nezuko nodded. Than they stopped themselves from their tracks and started asking themselves...

How can they get into America???


A/N: what will happen next? Will Shinobu escape or will she stay? What will happen to the demon slaying Corp? How could the pillar get to the other side of the country??

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