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Today was the day Shinobu and Lady Tamayo would meet.

Kocho sometimes exchanged letters with Tamayo, yet truly met her, never.

Shinobu was awaiting the demoness in her office. It was already dark, so it wasn't a problem for Lady Tamayo to come.

Tanjiro was in the patience room, waiting until his leg is fully healed, so he can start going to the hashira training, just like the other lower ranked slayers.

A few days ago the hashira training has started, including a specific demon, who teaches the demon slayers hand-in-hand combat.

Shinobu was taking notes about a new poison, when a knock was heard.

"Kocho-sama! Tamayo-san has arrived!", Naho yelled from outside the door.

The insect pillar opened the office door, and was greeted by a beautiful ravenette with similar eyes as hers and a beautiful flower patterned kimono as well as a green haired boy with lighter purple eyes and was wearing a simple white kimono and a dark blue hakama standing behind the gorgeous woman.

"You must be Lady Tamayo and your colleague Yushiro. My name is Kocho Shinobu. It's nice meeting the two of you."

Shinobu greets with a soft smile. Lady Tamayo smiled and spoke as well. Her voice was gentle.

"Indeed. My name is Tamayo and this is my assistant Yushiro. It is nice meeting you Kocho-san."

Shinobu makes a small nod before telling her visitors to come in before dismissing Naho.

Shinobu set green tea and two cups of blood on the table. Whose blood is it? Nobody knows, except...

"Kyojuro, what's wrong?", The deceased flame pillars mother asks concerned as she looks at her son worriedly, because he looked traumatized.

"Oh, it's nothing mother. Do not worry!", Kyojuro says giving his mother a reassuring smile. Not only that, other dead demon slayers looked traumatized as well.

(Shinobu didn't kill. She just took the blood of dead slayers)

"Thank you Kocho-san", Lady Tamayo says with a smile, while the said hashira nodded.

Both talked happily and started to talk about medicine and then drugs and poisons.

Meanwhile, Yushiro was getting irritated that Lady Tamayo wasn't giving him the attention her currently wants. He wanted to be praised by her, watching her smile at him and so on. It was already hard for him to fight over Tamayo, because of Chuchumaru (the cat) and now he has to suffer, because Tamayo had her full attention towards the hashira.

It was unfair... (A/N: life is unfair bit-)

Douma already ate almost half of the cult members, not knowing what to do other than kill his customers and few cult members. He was angry, why? He didn't know.

Was it because Shinobu tried to kill him?

Or was it because Akaza betrayed him?

Or maybe both?

Douma wasn't sure, but he just kept on eating female humans more than usual.

He wanted his love back, but how? He didn't know. He wanted to get his 'best friend' back, but he knew that it would be impossible for that to happen. After all, the pink head hated him. Both were the complete opposite from another. Douma would be the sunshine person and Akaza would be the grumpy person, who fights any male he sees, except for Kokushibo and Kibutsuji.

Douma missed him for sure.

What can he do, once he find out his best friend is now in the slayers side?

Kill him?

Manipulate him to come back?

Devour him?

Hand him to Kokushibo and let him handle it?

He wasn't sure. But he knew only two things.

1. Find Akaza and become 'friends' again.

2. Find Shinobu and have her only for him.

A/N: That's the end of the chapter. I hope you guys liked it. Have a good morning/day/noon/afternoon/night/evening! <3

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