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Translation of the title: Chapter seventeen (first ending)

Shinobu's death

A swift attack and Akaza's arm was cut. His eyes widened and he quickly jumped back once he saw an upcoming fan from the upper rank two.

Shinobu took it as an opportunity and thrusted her katana into the demon's heart. But, what she didn't expect was that the said demon has broken her katana so easily.

"Now now, no need to be rude and mean Akaza-dono and Shinobu-chan", Douma says with his psychotic smile.

"Shut the fuck up you copy of Elsa", Akaza says.

"Oi! That wasn't what you had to say! You had to say 'Shut the fuck up and continue fighting me!'", Author-chan inturrepted the fight.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry."

"Let's retake it. Don't mess it up."

"Got it."

"Three, two, one... action!"

"Shut the fuck up and continue fighting me rainbow eyes freak!"

"That works too", Author-chan shrugged.

"My my Akaza-dono, don't worry. I'll make sure that Master would not punish you hard for betraying if you come with me", Douma says.


"Am I invisible?", the insect Hashira asks confused as she just drugged Douma without him knowing.

"Ah, I almost forgot you dear", Douma turns to her and attacks with his fans. She backed away.

Akaza then came from the side and punched Douma on the side.

Suddenly the room grew cold, which meant that Douma just activated his blood demon art. I've formed water Lillie's appeared all over the room that soon scattered and came straight towards the two.

Shinobu, who was unarmed used her arms for protection, but she didn't feel anyrhing. She opened an eye once she realized that she had closed them by reflex. She saw the used to be upper three taking all the damage.

"Akaza!", Shinobu yelled worriedly.

"I'm fine. Kill that asshole."


Shinobu ran up to the demon and picked the broken katana up. She quickly thrusted it into his throat, but Douma smiled evilly. The insect hashira just made a big mistake: she let her guard down and a deep cut through her lungs ended up forming.

 The insect hashira just made a big mistake: she let her guard down and a deep cut through her lungs ended up forming

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(Just imagine her without the katana since it's still stuck in Douma's throat)


"Kocho-San!", Akaza yelled as he tried running up to her, but the blonde demon didn't allow him by cutting off his limbs.

Shinobu was in a dilemma. She felt weak and knew that she has to sacrifice her life if she wants him dead. He needed to absorb her, but how? She is still too weak for him to devour her. An illusion of her sister suddenly appeared. It encouraged her to keep going. So, she stood up and grabbed an icicle from the ground and attacked the demon. She stabbed him by the back.

The demon was taken aback and looked at her with a surprised expression. Akaza, in the meantime was regenerating as fast as he could. Since he hadn't eaten humans for a very long time now, he started to grow weak  and sleeping just like Nezuko didn't make him fully strong.

The demon chuckled as he turned around and hugged her tightly. She started to get absorbed by him.

"We will be together forever Shinobu-chan~"

A ravenette and a burgundy haired boy opened the door. They were horrified on seeing the insect hashira getting absorbed while the pink haired demon was slowly fully regenerated while looking at the scene slightly horrified.

Kocho made sure to give Kanao a hand sign, which she immediately took note off.
"Caw caw! Insect Hashira, Shinobu Kocho has fallen! She got absorbed by uppermoon two!", many crows yelled as they flew around the infinity castle to inform the slayers.

All slayers had different reactions, but all were somewhat similar.

Tanjiro attacked the upper two, but the said them on just dodged the attack.

"Huh? Oh! Your the human master wants! You really caught his interest, y'know?", Douma tells Tanjiro, but the boy just looked at the demon with hatred.

Fast forward: Douma is slowly dying, cuz Kocho is poisonous.

Douma's face started melting. The upper three took it as an opportunity and grabbed the demon while Tanjiro, Kanao and Inosuke, who arrived later on cut the demon's head off.

"Caw! Upper two has been defeated! Tanjro Kamado, Kanao Tsuyuri, Akaza, Inosuke Hashibira and Shinobu Kocho have successfully killed the demon!", The crows soon start to yell across the infinity castle once more.

Everyone was glad that there is a demon less to deal.

After the final battle: fast forward to Tanjiro becoming a demon.

"Everyone! Back away! He has been turned into a demon!", Akaza yelled as he started to save the nearby Kakushi's.

Tanjiro soon started waking up and turned his head to the side. He saw Kanao Tsuyuri smiling at him.

"We did it."

A month now passed and Akaza/Hakuji was taking a few sips of his tea as he watched Nezuko taking a flower from Zenitsu

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A month now passed and Akaza/Hakuji was taking a few sips of his tea as he watched Nezuko taking a flower from Zenitsu.

"So many slayers died...", a Kakushi's says as he approaches Hakuji.

"Indeed, yet these keep going on with life", the ravennette responds.

"Every single Hashira except the sound pillar have died. Am I correct?"

"That's right."

"I hope all of them well."

"Same here."

"Tanjiro has a dysfunctional lower arm, right?"

"Yes. But he's currently doing better."

"That's good."

A/N: The first ending: Shinobu dies

What do you guys think? I am bad at writing fighting scenes, so I hope you guys like how I did it.

Have a great day/night/morning/evening/noon/afternoon


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