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The demon looked at the butterfly girl smiling brightly while being in a blushy mess.

"You're so cute Shinobu-chan! I could die by your cute features!!", upper moon two said.

"Hm! Mhhhmhm!(Yeah! Die noone cares!)", Shinobu muffled still having a cloth in her mouth.

"You're so mean Shinobu-chan! Why don't you give me that sweet smile of yours!", the demon said cheerfully.

"Hmhh'm! (Fuck no!)", Shinobu muffled once again.

Douma than walked up to the insect pillar and put some chains on her legs and hands.

"Sweety! I wouldn't want you to go missing! We are in a whole other country than Japan!", the demon clapped.

Shinobus eyes widened. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. How did she suddenly get kidnapped by the demon who killed her sister and how did he get in a whole other country?!

"You're shocked expression is just so sweet! Sadly I can't stay any longer! But hey! You now can move around in this appartment! It's all yours! I made the chains that long, that if you run out of the door trying to escape you would trip and fall! You can't get out from this place! Now, good bye my little butterfly~", Douma said, while untying the rope she was in and than suddenly disappearing. But not a second later he appeared once again, kissing her on the mouth and leaving.

She was in total shock and than touched her lips looking to the ground.

'I can't escape...'

With Tanjiro and his friends:

"Why is everyone screaming around?", Zenitsu asked depressed. The kakushis are bringing the boys to the butterfly estate. Since Zenitsu has perfect hearing, he could hear the ruckus from afar.

"I don't know, but I smell panicking auras...", Tanjiro mumbled looking at the few meters left to arrive.

"Is Shintaro, Aoni, the triplets and Kanapoko alright? I can only sense Atonoi, triplets and Kantai", Inosuke asked confused.

"Maybe Shinobu got a mission. Working as a hashira is very hard", Zenitsu answered.

The word hashira reminded Tanjiro about Rengoku. He just frowned looking down unsatisfied.

Arriving, they weren't greeted by 'hellos'. They only heard panicking screams and some pillars frowning.

Since the Kakushis that took Tanjiro and his friends were clueless, they went up and asked about it.

"Kocho is missing. She apparently didnt come back from her mission. When some Kakushis asked about her in the village, they said that she just left. But a boy around eleven years old said that he saw someone hit her unconscious disappearing with her", Obanai said.(He actually just came, because his wifey Kanroji was there)

Tanjiros eyes widened hearing this and remembered the encounter of upper moon 2.

Did the boy know about the person's appearance?", the Kakushi asked again.

"A little bit. He remembered that the man has long blond hair, something red on his head and some cult clothing",Sanemi answered this time. He promised himself to take care of his 'so called sister in law', but failed miserably, making her life worse. Now, he is worried about her.

Tanjiro remembered the description and could have panicked, when he remembered Kochos present.

He got of the Kakushi and started running to his room getting followed by his friends. The others were curious to, so they followed

"Tanjiro, what's that?", Zenitsu asked looking at the box that Tanjiro got out.

"Kocho-san gave it to me. She told me that she feels like being watched lately and gave me this to find her when she ever gets missing. It shows her location in whole Japan", Tanjiro said opening it, but than looking shocked.

"What's with the unflashy expression?", the sound pillar asked looking at the box curiously.

"On which village was she?", Tanjiro asked.

"On ********", Mitsuri said answering his question.

"Did you guys find any belongings of her?", he asked again.

This time, the wind pillar nodded, showing him the belongings.

"She told me, that on her belongings are some GPS or something, so I could locate her. Her belongings are here. The demon must be a step ahead.", Tanjiro said looking down disappointed.

"Wait- DEMON?!!!", Sanemi screamed.

"How do you know that the person is a demon?", Obanai asked looking at Tanjiro suspiciously.

"That's a long story... I saw her once leave...", Tanjiro spoke. (I'm too lazy to write what he all said. You guys already know about his encounter on the previous chapter)

"So, the demon made us kill Tomioka-son without us noticing?", Muichiro mumbled looking to the ground unfazed. In reality, Muichiro was screaming in his mind panicking. He couldn't believe, he lost his mother-figure. (He saw Giyuu as his father figure, but after his death Muichiro started forgetting about him)

Tanjiro nodded.

Now, the air started to be tense for everyone.

Now, back to Shinobu

Shinobu just did nothing and stayed at the same position unfazed thinking about a plan. She than noticed, that both Giyuus Haori and Kanaes hair clip were gone and she just looked sad, starting to sob a little.

"Shinobu-chaaan~ I'm back~~!!!", the fan demon said looking at the unfazed face of hers.

"No welcome??? How rude!", Douma said dramatically.

"Leave me alone", Shinobu mumbled standing up to go past him, when he grabbed her and countered her on a wall.

"Now, now Shinobu-chan~ why being cold~ if you do not disrespect me, than I'm gonna make you~~~"

"Let go of me! You're sick!!", Shinobu said looking at the demon with hate.

The demon did not budge and started addressing her, making her trying to push him off, but sadly failing.

The demon giggled and started kissing the  pillar hard getting his tongue to explore her mouth. Shinobu just tried pushing him AWAY, but the demon just laughed.

The demon than started licking her whole upper body, while she was disgusted.

The demon than started undressing her completely and putting a finger inside her. She jaut helped and than tried to get the finger off of  her, but the demon started putting more fingers until she felt a knot in her stomach.

Since it hurt too bad, she left released some liquid. The demon started tasting it.

"You're so delicious Shinobu-chan~", Douma said smiling brightly.

The demon than put his c*ck in her, making her make a small moan, which was inaudible. The demon started groaning.

In the end the demon enjoyed it, while Shinobu was traumatized. She did had fun doing it with Giyuu, but with Douma its want that much enjoyable.

Shinobu just sighed and started sleeping on the floor.


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