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Three days passed. The Kamaboko trio and Tengen completed fighting the uppermoon. Obanai just came and hour late and didnt want to accept the fact that Tengen is retiring.

While they survived killing an upper moon, Shinobu just stayed at the unknown place crying.

Douma was in the other room trying to eat the leftovers of the humans he killed a few days ago. They were way too many, that he divided them. The sound of ripping flesh disgusted Shinobu.

Shinobu just stared at the closed window before standing up and trying to open it. But to her avail, it was locked. She knew if she doesnt get some contact with the sun, she would look paler and more sick, but she couldn't do anything. Then an idea came across her mind. She stood up and walked up to Douma.

"Hey... Douma?", she asked quietly looking at Douma licking the last trop of blood.

"Ah~ Shinobu-chan! What brings you here? Is there anything you need?", Douma asked while smiling brightly and having a lot of blush on his face.

"Th-there isnt any food anymore, so I thought I could go out and buy some groceries", she answered.

"But the sun is up. Are you trying to escape Shinobu-chan?", Douma asked tilting his head.

Shinobu froze, but took a deep breath before looking at the said demon. "N-no. I just wanted to buy some groceries."

"Hmmm.... fine. But you have to come back after thirty minutes!"

"I-I will...". And with that a part of Shinobus escape plan started.

She walked around the streets examining the places and memorizing different ways. After some time she finally arrived at the grocery store. Now, that's she looked around good enough she knew she is somewhere in the USA. How she found out? I'll show you:

"That's ridiculous! I want to talk to your manager! This is unacceptable! We are in the United states! It has enough freedom! Why cant I walk into this place!", a woman yelled.

"Ma'am. We told you already. Your banned here for stealing", a worker answered.

"That's ridiculous! Let me talk to your manager now!"

"I'm the manager."

"Yeah right. I'm good friends with the manager!"

"Then why did you get banned here?!"

"He made a ridiculous mistake!"

"I still dont believe you, plus my manager is a woman not a man."

"So, what if I tell your manager that you dont let women into this store!"

"Ma'am. About five women are in this store buying some groceries. You are banned so take your leave!"

"Unbelievable!", the woman yelled storming off.

(Yeah, an Karen made her figure things out)

Shinobu walked back to the apartment after buying a few groceries still looking around memorizing anything that could help her escape.

Back in the butterfly estate one of the Kamaboko trio woke up and started making a scene while crying around how creepy it was and how he thought he would die after his legs broke.

A/N: that's it for this chapter. Sorry for not updating much lately.

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