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Shinobu walked around the Natagumou mountain until she finally found its exit and started walking.

While walking two kasugai crow noticed her and one ofthe kasugai crow immediately started leading her to the Headquarters, meanwhile the other flew to inform the other hashiras about Kocho's return.

"Caw! Caw! Kocho Shinobu was found! She is going to the headquarters! Caw! Caw!", the crow called out over the wind estate. There, Sanemi and Obanai were hanging out and hearing the news made them happy about Shinobu's return and decided to get to the headquarters as soon as possible.

Hearing the news, Gyomei was crying happy tears as he thanked the gods that they protected Shinobu.

As Shinobu arrived to the headquarters, the Ubuyashiki family was already waiting for her presence. Shinobu immediately bowed noticing her master smiling at her sickly.

"Welcome back Kocho. How are you?", her master questioned with his usual calm voice looking at at the direction he believed where Shinobu is.

"I'm not doing great master. I was just able to escape the hands of Upper two by poisoning him, but I know my poison isn't strong enough for him to die yet", Shinobu said explaining her situation. It felt weird for her to speak Japanese again after all, she was in America for several months and only spoke a few Japanese words, while talking to Douma.

"I see, I am glad that you're safe Kocho-San."

"Thank you Oyakata-sama. I hope you'll get healthier soon", Shinobu wished. Her master just smiled.

Suddenly a snake was crawling up to her neck and stayed their sitting on Kocho's shoulder.

"Kaburamaru?", Shinobu asked confused on why the albino snake was around her neck.

Shinobu then looked to the side to see three of her fellow hashiras. Sanemi, Obanai and Gyomei.

"Kanroji-san and "Tokito-San are in a mission together, so they would come sooner or later.", Obanai explained not even letting the insect hashira ask. She just simply nodded and looked at them in relief.

"I am glad that all of you are safe, but may I ask. What happened to Uzui-san?", Shinobu questioned confused.

"He retired", Sanemi now answered. Shinobu just nodded once again.

"I see."

"I am glad that you're alright Kocho-san", Gyomei said smiling as his hands are still clasped to each other.

"Thank you Himejima-san."

Gyomei just smiled.

In the meantime, Mitsuri just activated her demon slayer mark fighting against the uppermoon four clone meanwhile Tanjiro, Nezuko and Genya are chasing after the original body.

To Zenitsus perspective, he was now asleep fighting against the demon in ease.

In Inosukes perspective, he was killing every demon he encounters happily.

Back to the hashira's, a certain uppermoon arrived and greeted his used to be nemesis'. Having pale white skin with tattoos over his body and a basketball face, he is none other than Akaza.

Akaza introduced himself and he got a few things in common with Shinobu and they kept on chatting. About what you may ask?

About ways how to kill Douma.


Shinobu was now in front of the butterfly estate. She knocked on the door and on opening the door, Ali was shocked to see her mother-figure in front of her. She was holding laundry on her hands and seeing Shinobu, she let them fall and ran up to Kocho hugging her tightly while crying.

On noticing the butterfly triplets presence, Shinobu widened her arms to allow the triplets hug her. It was emotional to watch (but I suck at writing emotions, so you have to deal with i at how it looks.)

Hope you guys liked it. Have a great day/night/evening!!! <333

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