Yes sir

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*****Chapter 3 - Yes sir*****

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Chapter 3 - Yes sir

"Believe it or not I told the pricks I live with to clean this place up." Ace grumbled as he led the way inside his house, kicking aside a shirt even he wasn't sure who it belonged to.

"You got roommates?" Odette asked quietly as she followed him into his living room, looking around.

There were a couple of couches and an armchair all squished inside, a coffee table in the middle of the room that was littered with a couple of full ashtrays, a couple of empty beer bottles and what looked like to a porn magazine.

Clothes, blankets and cushions were somewhat strewn around the room as what looked like a shirt was even draped over the tv in the corner of the room.

Ace nodded as he kicked aside a cushion. "Never used to then somehow adopted my best mate when his younger brother went off to college last year."

"He moved in with you when his younger brother left for college?" Odette asked curiously as she slowly followed him into the kitchen.

Ace nodded. "Dad's a bit of a dick."

Odette nodded slowly, she didn't need Ace to expand any further on that, she felt like the experts of dads that were dicks.

"I thought you said roommates, more than one?" She asked as she watched him open up the fridge and grab out two beer bottles.

Ace nodded as he cracked them both open and handed her one, taking a swig of his own.

"The others just seemed to end up crashing her every night, like fucking roaches the lot of them." He said with a scoff but there was a hint of a smile, as if there was something about it he liked.

"Must be nice living with all your mates though?" She tried to offer up as she took a drink of her beer and leant against the kitchen table, looking up at him leaning against the kitchen counter.

Ace shrugged. "Probably doesn't beat your dog."

"Dog?" She couldn't help but blurt out before remembering she had told him she'd moved here with her dog so she didn't have to say dad.

Ace was about to question it before she quickly spoke again, stopping any interrogation.

"Oh yeah right, honestly sometimes I just see him as more my child... my little fur baby..." she quickly said as Ace nodded, taking another swig of his drink.

"Why'd you move to Castle Rock anyway? We ain't exactly got many jobs available here?" Ace asked, a small laugh escaping him as he took another swig.

Yes Sir... - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now