⚠️ Not gonna lie, there is not enough appreciation for the thought of Ace and the Cobras being teachers... so here you are... you're welcome 😉❤️
Odette Turner, 17 year old rebel gets dragged to Castle Rock with her father in his atte...
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***** Chapter 21 - Daddy *****
"Ace!" Odette grumbled out as she tried shoving him.
Ace only just about managed to grumble as he half stirred. During sex Odette actually liked Ace on top, however the same could not be said when Ace was asleep.
"Ace you gotta wake up!" Odette continued to grumble as she desperately tried to push him off.
"Help!" Odette shouted as loud as she could as all she heard was more grumbles from Ace.
Ace groaned even louder as he tried to bury his head in her chest, yanking the covers over his head.
"Sorry love, should have warned you! Ace don't do mornings!" Charlie's voice shouted out from outside of Ace's shut bedroom door.
"Yeah, thank you I figured that." She replied sarcastically, looking down at the large lump that was Ace Merrill flopped on her under the blankets.
"How do I get him up?" She added as she heard muffled laughter from outside the bedroom.
Odette sighed as she even felt Ace laugh laying on her. "Okay seriously, how am I the only mature one?!"
"Come on sweetheart, you gotta admit that was funny." Ace's muffled voice came out as he lifted his head up from her chest, looking up at her.
"You gotta get ready for work and I have to get ready for school, ironically the same place but unfortunately not suitable for us to carpool." Odette mumbled.
"Or, and here me out with this. I phone in sick for you and then me and then we go do something actually out in public without fear of being spotted because everyone that knows we're doing this whole illegal thing will be actually at the school." Ace blurted out his idea he believed to be genius.
Odette stared at him blankly.
"Okay where did I lose you?" He asked, seeing the blank stare on her face.
"How the hell would it not raise suspicion you, as a teacher, phoning in sick for me?!" Odette blurted out looking down at Ace, who seemed quite content laying on her bare chest, his chin resting comfortably on the top of her breast as he looked up at her.
"I'll pretend to be your dad, put on a different voice or something." He mumbled with a shrug.
"You're gonna pretend to be my dad?" Odette asked with a scoff, looking down at him.