The fire people

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*****Chapter 41 - The fire people*****

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Chapter 41 - The fire people

Each of the cobras almost tried to walk in the house with their eyes shut, unsure as to what they would be faced with. They made Eyeball go first, it had been his idea to leave Ace and Odette alone together, it would be him that would have to face them in whatever compromising position they were in.

Not that they hadn't walked in on Ace and Odette before.

Yet they all looked up confused as they heard Eyeball suddenly burst out laughing.

"Yeah yeah, very funny, untie me." Ace's voice was heard grumbling.

The others all looked into the living room as they saw Ace had been stripped of his shirt, as well as being tied to one of the dining chairs that had been brought into the middle of the living room.

Eyeball had collapsed onto the couch, the tears threatening to fall as his howls were heard throughout the house.

"She told me we were gonna fuck." Ace groaned out, as if that made the situation better.

"And you believed it?" Billy managed to ask as he went over to try untie Ace from the chair.

"My dick did." Ace mumbled as he let them untie him, before he stood up and rubbed at his wrists. "She's bloody good at knots."

"Jeez wonder where she learnt that from." Charlie muttered quietly under his breath as Vince had to look away as to not burst into howls of laughter as Eyeball was still doing.

"Where did she even go?" Billy asked, looking around as he moved the chair aside.

Ace shrugged slightly as he ran a hand through his hair. "Said something about wanting a new dress for graduation."

"So don't you think that means she's gone to find a new dress for graduation?" Charlie asked Ace blankly.

Ace shrugged again as he sat on the couch, comfortably pushing Eyeball aside, who had just about managed to calm down.

"Hang on, how can she have gone to find a new dress? She has no money." Eyeball suddenly looked up confused.

Ace looked away as he shrugged once more. "The fire people delivered it in a letter, some kind of insurance."

The cobras all exchanged a glance with each other, eyebrows raised as the confusion was clear.

"The fire people?" Billy asked as he sat down slowly.

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