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*****Chapter 25 - Out

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Chapter 25 - Out.

"It's not that difficult you know." Billy sighed out as he looked down at Odette.

"Yeah it's not difficult but it's boring." She grumbled back as the pair were sat, side by side, on the couch.

Both their feet were resting up on the coffee table as she had her books open and resting on her legs.

"Seriously, it's like sending me to sleep here." She grumbled looking up at Billy.

"Well tough fucking shit, do it." He snapped pointing down at it.

"Just think, once you've done your homework you can go play with Ace." Eyeball spoke with a mocking type of laugh as he walked in and sat on the other side of her.

"You're a dickhead." Odette scowled at him.

Eyeball laughed and nodded. "You just got yourself detention for a week."

Odette stared at him with a gaping open mouth.

"That the face you make for Ace?" Eyeball asked with another laugh, clearly finding this amusing.

"You can't give me detention for a week! We're not even at school!" She snapped.

"Obviously we're not because you're still not fucking concentrating!" Billy groaned lightly tapping her books on her lap.

"Eurgh!" Odette groaned as she placed the book on her face, not wanting to face either of them.


"Hey Ace do you wanna go talk to your friends please?" Odette groaned as she walked into his bedroom where he was getting changed, having just had a shower.

"I was told I'm not allowed near you while you're studying, too much of a distraction apparently." Ace grumbled as he placed the towel on his head and began rubbing, trying to dry his hair.

"Yeah well they've all gone to the bar but not before they all gave me detention!" Odette groaned as she went and flopped on his bed.

Ace pulled the towel from his head and stared down at her confused. "They've all given you a detention?"

Odette nodded. "If you go get them all to take it back I'll let you do whatever you want to me?" She offered with a smirk.

"Deal." Ace didn't even have to think.

He rushed out of his bedroom and went running downstairs.

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