Mr Hotstuff

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*****Chapter 11 -  Mr Hotstuff*****

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Chapter 11 - Mr Hotstuff

Odette stood in her bedroom the next morning, having just got changed. She sighed as she sat on her bed, her body exhausted after last night.

She had of course been dragged to go out with Jenny, Tommy and a bunch of his friends.

Some of the rowdier ones had of course commented on her body or the marks on her neck but Jenny was seemingly the one to shut them down.

Yet what confused Odette was then Jenny asking her which one she was interested in and seemed to try guide her to potentially dating one of them?

Apparently it was just because Odette was new, like she was some piece of fresh meat.

Odette shivered slightly at the thought as she picked up Ace's shirt, slipping it on over her vest top as she tied the bottom up over her stomach.


She sighed and rolled her eyes as she heard the nickname she'd had since she was a kid. She stood up from her bed, brushing down her thigh-high, pleated skirt.

Grabbing her bag she slung it over her shoulder and headed out her room and downstairs. Walking into the living room, she saw her waste of space father half sprawled out on the couch.

"Stop the beeping." He grumbled as he rubbed his head.


Yet her question was answered as she heard the car horn coming from outside again. Odette went to the front door, opening it up as she saw Tommy's car parked outside her driveway, the top roof down, Jenny sat in his passenger seat.

A couple of the guys from yesterday afternoon were in the back.

"Hurry up!" Jenny laughed out at her. "Get in the car bitch!"

Odette glanced back at her dad who groaned and rolled over, laying face down in the couch cushions.

Grimacing, Odette walked out the house, slamming it behind her as she went over to Tommy's car and got in the back as the two guys moved over.


"Eurgh I'm telling you the sooner we graduate the better." Jenny groaned as she walked arm in arm with Odette towards the school. "God you're so fucking lucky to have Health class first."

Tommy appeared at Jenny's other side, casually draping his arm around her shoulders as he looked down at Odette.

"Yeah the new girl's gonna love his way of teaching." Tommy laughed slightly.

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