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*****Chapter 14 - 4:30pm*****

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Chapter 14 - 4:30pm

Ace rolled his eyes slightly, what was it with girls acting dumb on purpose because they think it makes them appealing?

"Do you lot ever read anything I tell you or am I just speaking another language?" He stared at his class.

The girls barely paid attention as they focused more on his body than the words that came from him and the guys were the same as him and the other Cobras when they were seniors, completely disinterested in anything that didn't have a nice rack.

Ace sighed as he waved his arms slightly. "Just read pages 24, 25 and 26 before doing the questions on 27."

The class watched as he sat down at his desk and began flicking through some papers. Yet Jenny continued to stay leaning forward on her desk, eyes on Ace as she twirled a piece of her, daydreaming about being sat in his lap.

Until she suddenly stopped twirling her hair. Her eyes locked on the shirt draped over the back of Ace's chair. It couldn't be.

Jenny sat up straighter, her head tilted slightly as the cogs in her mind began turning.

Odette came to school wearing a shirt exactly like that... She had Health class with Mr Merrill... She comes in late to her next lesson, no longer wearing the shirt... It's now on his chair...

Jenny seemed to scoff to herself as she shook her head, that's not possible. Must be a similar shirt... A very similar shirt...


"You free tonight?" Jenny asked as she sat down next to Odette for maths.

Odette shook her head. "No I um- I got plans with my dad."

Jenny stared at her blankly, raising her eyebrow. "Ditch your dad and come hang out with us, we're all going down the lake."

"The lake?" Odette asked blankly as she saw Jack up front beginning to hand out papers for some practice test he wanted them all to do.

"Yeah the lake, it's where we all go to get drunk, high and party basically."

"It's Tuesday though?" Odette seemed to state but it came out as a question as she couldn't work out why they would all go party on a night where they had school the next day.

"So?" Jenny asked, as if the fact it was Tuesday meant nothing. "If you feel that bad tomorrow you can just bunk off."

Odette paused before shaking her head. "I really can't, I have plans with my dad tonight." She answered as Jack handed them both papers and headed back off to the front of the class.

Yes Sir... - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now