Watching the wildlife

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Chapter 43 - Watching the wildlife

"Okay so I will be living under a rock at the bottom of the garden if anyone needs me, okay?" Ace asked as he stood up from the couch, now feeling well and truly embarrassed having heard the tale of his drunken confession of love.

"Could have gone a lot worse." Charlie tried to offer up.

Ace forced a small smile. "Thanks Charlie but I think the drunken confession isn't how most girls want to hear it first time around."

The other cobras watched as Ace sighed and made his way to the kitchen, heading outside to the area of land somewhat considered to be his garden.


Neither Ace or Odette spoke to each other that day.

Ace remained outside, messing about with old car parts, smoking and drinking. He felt like a teenager again as he looked around his garden. Old memories flashing in his head as he remembered the days he'd spent out here with the other guys.

Watching Eyeball give them all their silly little tattoos, thinking they were the hardest guys in the world.

Listening to Billy bitch over and over about Connie and every other Catholic girl he chose to chase. Damn boy never learnt.

Odette changed back out of her graduation dress and remained in Eyeball's room, briefly looking through college brochures that he had brought home for her.

Yet her attention was drawn to the window as she went and sat down, looking out. Her focus solely on Ace in the garden as she watched him do this and that. He had truly told her he had loved her, drunk or not, there was part of her that wondered if he had truly meant it or whether it was just so he could have sex with her again.

"Watching the wildlife?"

Odette turned and saw Eyeball standing in his bedroom doorway, her face instantly blushing slightly. He couldn't help but laugh slightly as he walked over and sat down beside her, looking out the window as he saw Ace.

"I know what you're wondering you know." He smirked slightly.

Odette scoffed and shook her head. "Nu uh."

"Uh huh." Eyeball retorted with a nod. "You're wondering if he only said it last night to get laid or if he actually meant it."

Odette opened her mouth to shut him up before quickly shutting it, realising he was right. Why was Eyeball always right?

"Just so you know..." Eyeball paused as he stood up, looking down at her. "He meant it."

"How do you know?" She asked quietly.

Eyeball didn't answer as he went back over to his bedroom door. Though he stopped by it as he turned to her.

"He wouldn't even give any of us a dollar for a bottle of water..."

Odette's face screwed up in confusion as Eyeball smirked, his eyes flickering to the dress hanging from his wardrobe.

"That really is a gorgeous dress Odette... How on earth did you afford something like that?" He asked before seemingly turning his body away from her as he left the room.

Odette looked up at the dress for a second, her eyes scanning the fabric before she turned back to looking out the window. Looking out at Ace.


The next week was a lot calmer in the house. Ace and Odette didn't argue once. They began talking but, as expected, it was the awkward small talk the cobras would have expected someone to give a one-night stand.

"Man this is some hot weather we're having."

"You fancy chicken or beef for dinner?"

"You mind if I change the channel on the TV?"

"Hey I done the dishes so you don't need to worry."

"The grass and flowers could definitely do with a good rain shower."

"Here's some post for you."

"No you can shower first, I'll have one later."

The cobras felt like they were either living with an old married couple no longer interested in sex or a pair of roommates who hadn't even seen each other naked.

"Hey you remember when you two fucked in what was Ace's classroom?" Eyeball asked as he sat between the two of them, the TV on in front of them.

Odette automatically began coughing as her face turned bright red.

"Eyeball probably not the-"

"Or the time you snuck her back into the school to eat her out with the school intercom microphone on her?"

"Okay, that's enough for me! Daily dose of you all reached!" Odette blurted out as she quickly stood up and went to leave the room. "Goodnight!"

"Night!" Eyeball shouted out with a laugh.

He waited for her to leave and head upstairs to his room, where she had been frequently sleeping, before he quickly turned to Ace.

"You're a real dickhead, you know that right?" Ace asked with a sigh.

Eyeball nodded. "I had to get rid of her so I could ask you about tomorrow."

"What's tomorrow?"

"The fact that you're asking me is concerning Ace..." Eyeball muttered. "Graduation ceremony..."

Ace's mouth dropped before he shut it quickly. "Shit I forgot."

"I can see that."

"What do I do? I'm not exactly gonna be allowed on the premises." Ace sighed out. "Fired for fucking my student remember?"

Eyeball shrugged. "Could plan something for when she gets home. Can't imagine she's gonna wanna stick around with the other moronic students I've had to teach." Eyeball mumbled as he ran a hand through his hair, leaning back on the couch.

A lightning bolt could have been seen striking Ace's head, giving him an idea. "Oh yeaahh, I could totally plan some nice little thing for her at home."

"Don't be standing in here naked and waiting for her Ace." Eyeball sighed out defeatedly.

Ace shook his head quickly. "No no I wont, that didn't work last time."

Eyeball looked up at him blankly but Ace shook his head, as if he wasn't going to answer any questions about it.

"I'll do something that will show her just who I truly am..." Ace muttered as he seemed to look off into outer space, his mind whirring. "It will show her I am, and always will be, Ace fucking Merrill and she's fucking lucky to be in love with me."

Eyeball stared at Ace as a small hint of fear crossed his expression. "I'm a little scared Ace..."

"It will be an old school Ace Merrill spectacular..." Ace muttered as his mind continued to form the perfect idea...

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