This ain't over

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*****Chapter 27 - This ain't over*****

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Chapter 27 - This ain't over

"What seems to be the-" The principal started as he reached where Jenny was stood.

"Alan, there you are!"

The principal and Jenny turned as Eyeball had quickly came running over. The second Eyeball reached them his hands went on the principal's shoulders.

"Principal Wallis! I've been meaning to chat to you!" He spoke as he tried to spin the principal away from the door, though it was clear he was speaking much louder than he needed to.

"No Sir! I have to speak to you!" Jenny snapped, glaring at Eyeball with frustration, she'd clearly worked out he was protecting Ace and Odette.

"Okay well how about-"

"No no Sir, I think Jenny's just trying to get out of the detention she got earlier." Eyeball cut the principal off as he glared down at Jenny.

"Miss Walker." The principal turned and gave Jenny a harsh look.

"Sir! I haven't got detention! I was trying to show you-" Jenny tried to push Eyeball aside.

The principal looked straight into Ace's classroom.

"Everything okay principal Wallis?" Ace asked as he looked up from his desk at the front of the classroom.

Odette sat at a desk a few spaces away, a couple of textbooks in front of her as she seemed to be writing down answers.

"Nice to see you've finally turned up for detention Miss Walker." Ace added as he leant back in his chair, giving Jenny a firm glare. "Would hate to add another week onto your month already."

"Miss Walker!" The principal snapped, looking down at Jenny.

Jenny was completely flabbergasted as she turned to Odette, who looked up at her with an innocent expression.

"Own up or I'll blab." Jenny scowled at Odette.

Odette simply shrugged as she sighed. "Jenny we were caught bunking off and smoking in the bathrooms, I kinda feel like this is what we deserve."

The principal crossed his arms over his chest as he looked down at Jenny, with an even sterner expression.

"No no Sir!" Jenny began to protest. "She's lying! They're all lying!"

The principal raised his eyebrow slightly. "And why would they all be lying?"

"Because they're fucking each other!" Jenny blurted out as she pointed at Ace and Odette.

Yes Sir... - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now