Student pick up

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*****Chapter 44 - Student pick up*****

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Chapter 44 - Student pick up

Odette stood in front of the floor length mirror as she lightly smoothed out her dress. She had attempted to control her natural curly, bouncy hair but given up as she let it fall just past her shoulders.

She sat comfortably in front of the mirror, a few bits of makeup she had brought for her graduation spread out in front of her. She hummed to herself as she applied a little mascara, blush and lipstick.

All of the Cobras but Ace had already gone off to the school, apparently teachers had to be there earlier to help set up. Yet Ace had given Odette her privacy with getting ready. He'd let her use the bathroom undisturbed, even going as far as leaving a cup of coffee on the bedside table for when she got out the shower.

She was finally sorted as she stood up, brushing her dress down as she lightly kicked her makeup aside before slipping on her shoes. Odette took one last look in the mirror as she knew this wasn't how she wanted to be remembered.

The girl that fucked her teacher.

The girl that got him fired and banned from ever teaching again.

The girl that-


Odette turned towards Eyeball's bedroom door just as it opened. Ace walked in slowly as she saw his eyes drift up and down her body, the silent hint of him admiring the dress on her but also wanting to rip it off, or push it up. He was in a generous sweet mood, he would let her pick.

"Do I look okay?" She asked quietly, briefly looking down at the dress she was wearing before back up at Ace.

"You look so delicious, like a perfectly crafted banana ice cream sundae from the diner, beautifully topped with a lightly glazed cherry that I could eat before twisting the stem around in my mouth, making the perfect knot before realising that the smallest drop of cream landed on that smooth, silky thigh of yours. Then you would let me slowly lick it up, but you wouldn't even stop me from trailing my tongue higher and higher, pushing your dress up as I go before I reach your-"

"Ace!" Odette snapped, staring at him blankly.

Ace snapped from his trance as he looked up at Odette, while she gestured down at herself.

"I asked how do I look?" She repeated her question.

Ace then realised, and was silently thankful, his previous answer had been spoken only in his head as he nodded.

"Yeah yeah you look great, absolutely just fine."

"Absolutely just fine?" Odette asked quietly, unsure how she was supposed to take his response.

Ace nodded slowly. "Yeah... Do you not want to look absolutely just fine?"

Odette shrugged slightly. "Just thought I'd look different to absolutely just fine..."

"You're not absolutely not fine?" Ace asked her blankly.

Odette didn't answer as an unfortunate, slightly awkward silence fell upon the pair of them.

"Have fun..." Ace finally managed to say before quickly leaving the room, silently cursing himself as he felt like he'd gone back to being a teenager again, nervous, shy and giddy around a silly little crush.


Odette hadn't seen Ace as she left the house quickly, almost thankful she didn't have to see him and risk any further awkward moments.

She made her way briskly to the school, growing more and more desperate to grab her diploma, leave and never look back.

There were loads of people, as she expected. Students and their parents, every teacher going and even a bunch of older gentlemen talking with the principal.

All the students had to take their places as Odette locked eyes with Jenny. Jenny gave her a small taunting smile as she held her hand up and waved, leaving Odette to bite her tongue and look away.

Your boyfriend's in jail because Eyeball planted drugs on him, fuck off. Odette thought to herself as she shook her head and looked away, desperate to focus on something else.

A large stage had been set up outside the school on the field, rows and rows of seating in front for the students and doting parents , while the teachers were stood all around the side. The entire place was lavishly decorated with the schools pennants and colours, the mascot had come out as there were various football players in uniform too, followed with the cheer team.

Odette rolled her eyes at just how extravagant this whole ceremony was. All it was, was getting a bit of paper after a quick walk across the stage, shaking the principal's hand and some old guy that had a big gold chain, presumably Castle Rock's mayor.

One by one each student was called up by name to collect their diploma.

Odette's name was finally called. Her whole body was tense.

Though to her surprise there were other students actually clapping for her.

She dare not look though. She didn't want to know which students supported her fucking-

Her thoughts were stopped as she was walking off the stage, clutching her diploma when a loud car horn tore through the sound of the cheers.

Everyone turned in their seats as the loud car horns continued. Music soon came blaring from a car radio as a blue ford seemed to be almost driving straight for the seating.

"Ace fucking Merrill..." Eyeball mumbled as the other Cobras beside him laughed.

They all watched as people seemed to almost scramble from their seats, as the car got closer. Ace wasn't slowing down.

Odette could feel herself getting worried as the principal went to move her and a few of the other students, that were on the stage, backwards.

Ace's car suddenly pushed through all the chairs that had been laid out as screams were heard. People moving left and right, desperate to avoid him and his driving.

The fold up chairs flew everywhere, tumbling over other chairs. Some even flew over the top of Ace's car.

But he didn't stop.

Not till he reached the stage, at which point, he seemed to drift the car to a stop, half smashing the side of his car against even more chairs.

Winding down his window, Ace half hung out, his arm draped as he looked up at the principal with that oh so famous Ace Merrill grin everyone in Castle Rock knew.

"Sorry to drop in Mr Wallis, I'm on student pick up." Ace spoke with a laugh as his eyes drifted to Odette.

Everyone stood in shock horror as they saw Ace's car. They all knew the stories. How he had seduced a student while working as a teacher, how she had seduced him. There were more rumours than fact.

The only fact they did all know was that Ace had quite literally crashed the graduation ceremony.

"MR MERRILL! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" Everyone heard the principal's furious outcry, his face turning red as a couple of the students closest to him could almost see the veins about to pop out of his head.

Ace looked about blankly, half taking in the destruction he caused before looking back up at the principal.

"I told you, I'm on student pick up."

Yes Sir... - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now