⚠️ Not gonna lie, there is not enough appreciation for the thought of Ace and the Cobras being teachers... so here you are... you're welcome 😉❤️
Odette Turner, 17 year old rebel gets dragged to Castle Rock with her father in his atte...
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***** Chapter 17 - Could be *****
"You gonna be okay getting in by yourself or you need a hand?" Ace asked as he turned to Odette, while parking up outside her house, having taken a very long detour...
"Yeah I'll be fine, I think I have some feeling left in my legs. Enough to get me upstairs and in bed anyway." She answered with a laugh as she grabbed her bag from the footwell.
Reaching her hand out to the car door she was stopped as she felt Ace's hand grab her other wrist.
"Forgetting something?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Like what?" She asked with a laugh as she looked at him.
"I gave you multiple orgasms earlier before carrying you to my car, driving you home and you're not even gonna kiss me goodnight?" Ace scoffed out teasingly.
Odette laughed as she leant closer to him. "My apologies Mr Merrill." She whispered as she gently kissed him.
Ace kissed her back contentedly. "Mmm you better be sorry." He hummed against her lips.
Odette continued to kiss him as she nodded slightly.
"Don't make me give you a detention." Ace mumbled as she finally pulled away.
"That sounds kinda hot." She whispered with a small laugh.
"You know, not everything about me is kinky." Ace smirked out.
"I've yet to see anything but kinky, Mr-Let-me-tie-you-to-my-bed-and-shove-an-ice-cube-inside-you."
Ace couldn't help but laugh as he nodded slightly. "Yeah call me that next time when your moaning my name through the school intercom."
Odette laughed and nodded. "Yes Sir." She whispered as she leant forward giving him one more kiss before she got out of his car and headed inside.
"How was your night bitch?"
Odette looked up from her locker as she saw Jenny leaning against the one beside her, a grin on her face.
"Yeah it was good, you know, hanging out with dad and that." Odette mumbled as she pulled out a couple of books she'd need for her first few lessons before lunch.
Jenny nodded and continued to smile. "Nice, do anything fun?"
"Um- you know, the usual, got some food in, watched the tv."