⚠️ Not gonna lie, there is not enough appreciation for the thought of Ace and the Cobras being teachers... so here you are... you're welcome 😉❤️
Odette Turner, 17 year old rebel gets dragged to Castle Rock with her father in his atte...
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***** Chapter 23 - Don't get seen *****
"You really got no idea what you go do at college?" Ace asked Odette as they walked hand in hand through the forest, along one of the trails.
"Nuh uh, all I know is that I have to get away from my dad." Odette mumbled as she stepped over a few branches. "Anywhere's better than-"
Yet she stopped as she walked straight into Ace's back. Though the moment she went to question it, Ace quickly spun as he grasped her face, covering her mouth with his hand.
"Ace, I'm not having sex with you in the woods." Was what Odette tried to say. Instead it came out as a muffle as Ace lightly shook his head and nodded towards where the clearing was through the trees.
Odette focused as she could see what appeared to be Jenny and Tommy crossing the clearing towards them and the lake.
"Odette... we gotta go now..." Ace's eyes were on that camera in Jenny's hands.
"Which way?" Odette asked in a panicked whisper, pulling Ace's hand from her mouth as Ace quickly gripped her hand tightly and began trying to rush through the edge of the trees.
Their eyes were firmly on Tommy and Jenny. Ace and Odette watching every move they made.
"Why aren't they in school?!" Odette asked in a furious whisper as Ace continued to lead the way.
"Because they skipped to come here and hook up." Ace snapped back as he was more concerned with getting back to his car.
"Oh my god am I the Betsy 2.0?" Odette asked as she rushed alongside him, still feeling his hand in hers.
"Nah you're better in bed." Ace replied as they stopped at the tree line.
Tommy and Jenny had paused as they reached the lake, and were clearly arguing.
"We need to make a run for my car." Ace mumbled as he slung the bag carrying the blanket over his back.
"And if we don't make it?"
Ace hesitated. "Jenny gets photos of us together and either uses them to blackmail us or she blasts them all over school where I end up losing my job and potentially getting arrested and god knows what happens to you."
"That doesn't sound appealing..." Odette mumbled, biting her lower lip.