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Swara- paaro how's you

Dadi-my princess u are coming now..did u have anything

Sujata - do you think she will be hungry for long ...learn something from Ragini uttra look they are from morning working...girls should be like them calm hardworking mature traditional and modern combo ..

Swara-and old lady like u should be like mind ur own business..

Janaki-swara keep quiet go to ayush or Ragini

Dayal - swara u come with me

Sujata -u both are spoiling her instead of asking her to apologise u are sending her

Swara smile being frustrated
Swara- look lady ... don't try to test my patience level i sware u will regret badly

Sanskar-swara u can't talk to my mom like this

Swara- i am not interested to talk to her in anyway she is behind me ...i will not go to her tell her not to come behind me

Ragini-enough  all of u we are here jagaran not for war .. please

Dp family comes they meet with all swalak hugs each other

Swara is walking on corridor sanskar pulls her to a room..sanskar eyes is burning in anger

Sanskar-swara why u hate me what i have done to u ..ur eyes always show anger..this anger make me crazy

Swara-leave me sanskar

Sanskar-swara why swara why u know how much i love you...why u don't accept my love

Swara- sanskar when u proposed me that day that moment i said no means no leave me

Sanskar-swara what i have to do so u love me back ...i will change myself

Swara-both are same... sanskar why u will change for me saying u change it will be temporar but if it's ur wish it will become your character

Sanskar-why can't u give me a chance

Swara-i don't want to..

Sanskar-why u have to tell ....ha i love someone else

Sanskar-what who ..u are lying u don't have any bf

Swara-you will say i have or not ...i have a bf

Sanskar-okay i will not trouble u say his name

Swara started thinking...but no answer then suddenly she remembers

Swara-it's ansh mehra ...that shows stopper i love him

Sanskar-what ...that little boy are you serious

Swara- for ur kind information i am also at his age excuse me

Sanskar-are u kidding

Swara - u can say it's my age of bf gf not love shove

Swara goes sanskar in ragini's room

Ragini-not again this ansh from where he came..wait if swara ansh is in love then why he came to see me

Sanskar-i think something is cooking somewhere a web of lie

Ragini-why u think like this

Sanskar-an alliance came for uttra ...huge fight happened in home ..uttra said she can't anyone because she love ansh

Ragini-means one is lying

Sanskar-or he is playing with both means does they know that both are dating one

Swara Ki Nautanki Season 6 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now