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In mm(dp's mansion)

Ap- ji we should go to meet sujata ram

Dp - u are saying right till i can't believe uttra is not with us i remember as yesterday own she born how time run faster

Laksh comes in miserable condition
Dp - look here comes ur shehzada

Ap-ji..lucky what u made ur condition

Laksh-maa to take revenge i committed a sin  ...i ...i

He gets tight slap

Ap- sujata

Sujata slap him
Sujata-why u did this can u do this doesn't u feels anything

Ram make face him and slap him
Ram-I always considered u my child ...

Dp - what's happening here ..can u tell me what he did

Ram tell everything dp sits in shock ap cries she slapped him

Ap-what u have done....didn't ur hand shivered before killing her

Laksh-i am sorry in ego and anger ...I forget she was my sister

Ragini - if u had anger u have killed me not uttra

Laksh-uttra my sister

Sanskar Sai comes and best him badly
Ap-sanskar please don't kill him please..

Sanskar-i will kill him badi maa he killed my uttu

Sai-he snatched my life from me

Ram seperate them till Virat and savi with ajeet comes who told everything

Sujata-jiji u have ur son na my child left na laksh how every year she tied rakhi on ur wrist 

Sanskar again try to beat him ..Virat stops him
Virat-sanskar he becomes killer of his sister.  ...u don't become reason of ur brother death

After some emotional moment police bring laksh out side as they were going many eagle attacked them everyone is trying get them away ..

Rest looks shockingly looks rest eagle fly away from no where  Allah Hafiz attacked on laksh he breaks laksh one eye


Laksh try to save himself..eagle give scratch on his face and flies and sit on swara's shoulder

Next day

Sai comes with his bag
Sujata-where are u going

Sai-maa I need some time ..need sometimes

Ram-if u want to move i won't stop u but if u want to run away from her memory i won't let u run

Sai-dad i can never run from her memory it's my life time peace

Sanskar-are u feeling uncomfortable with us

Sai-no ..i will come back after all where will go leaving my family

Sujata hugs him
Sujata-i will wait for u my son

He goes next day mf gf thakur's goes to do asthi visarjan of uttra

Priest conduct Pooja ... everyone does Pooja last priest to do visarjan..sanskar bring swara too ...they did the Pooja and comes out  ..

They visit temple..
Dadi-many things happen my children face many things in life ..swara moved on in her life ..she got sanskar ..but my Ragini is still single alone please send someone for her too

Ragini going to temple by purchasing flowers she dash with a guy ..flower falls on them

Ragini-can't u see and walk

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Ragini-can't u see and walk

Boy-I can also say that ..u are also coming absent mind

Ragini-u are the one who is coming talking on the phone

Boy-really miss Chik Chik if I am on phone then u must see and walk

Swasan came to them

Sanskar-hold on Ragini  what happened

Ragini-because of him my flowers fallen and he called me Chik Chik

Boy- excuse me miss u dash with me

Sanskar-hold on its both of ur mistake u both are walking absent mind both apologies to eachother

But looks angrily at each other ..both sày sorry

Swara-do we meet before..I think saw u before

Boy- may be world is round

They bid they goes boy turn back and looks at Ragini and goes

Inside temple

Sumi-where were u

Ragini-nothing because of an idiot i am late

Dadi-talk later first come and give Pooja thaal to pandit ji

As ragini is going to give she loose balance her thaal going to fall but someone hold it in correct time's that same boy

Sumi - thank u beta

Boy-it's okay aunty

Janaki - what's ur name

Boy-ruhaan raheja

Sanskar- Ragini

Ragini-thank you

Ruhaan- it's okay..aunty i have to take aarti

He goes
Ragini-he was so rude

Swara-u best friends continue i going take some pictures..i will paste it in my resort

Sanskar-come fast ..we will took pictures together okay

Swara-sure my Jaan


Janaki - god after long time everything is going well in her life  ...please don't bring any wind in her life again

Swara is taking pictures from roof accidentally she fear she close her eyes tightly ... before touching the ground two strong arms holds her

Swara- margyi kya ...but i doesn't feel pain ...may be I got painless death

Swara opens her eyes and look it's sanskar she get down on her feet

Sanskar-cant u be serious if anything happened

Swara-sorry ..

Sanskar - come everyone is going to do ganga snaan with me okay ..i will die if anything happens to u

Swara-sanskar do say like it ..i am sorry I will be careful

All did ganga aarti they comes out of water swara has a rudraksh locket chain on her neck ...swara doesn't notice it

Ruhaan took pictures of Ragini by hiding

Swara Ki Nautanki Season 6 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now